Chapter 24- the siren's song

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(Y/N) POV:

The moment Her order is said, it ripples over us, forces the part of Her that is in us to rise to the surface, to part our mouths under Her authority and to sing.

A song that is haunting and sweet- the siren call to death, the sweetness of the melody a soft soothing lure, a lullaby as we send them to watery graves.

I see the moment our voices reach them, see the glazed look overtake their eyes and wipe out any other expression, nothing but bliss and relaxation falling over them. I see the blind need fill their eyes, the need to get closer and closer to us, to the source of the melody that calls them in. I feel my heart and soul twist with agony, writhing and struggling against the order that compels us to sing, that forces it out of our lungs.

I see how the couple who'd been the first ones at the railing, smile droopily, arms that were around each other remaining there as they lean forward and topple into the water- I feel nausea begin to churn my stomach when others begin to tip themselves in, bodies making small splashes into the water as they either drown or flail as they try to swim to us, try to get closer. And over the haunting poisonous lure of our voices I can hear slight screams, of people who hadn't rushed to the edge crying out in alarm, not knowing what's going on but still trying to tug people back. And then few make the mistake of peering into the waters, to see what it is that's causing the madness and see the moment their eyes become glazed, when their shouts peter out and the song swirls into their ears.

And yet still we sing, even as tears slip down my cheeks silently, even as I scream and beg for the Ocean to stop, that this is enough, this is enough destruction, this is enough loss and carnage.

And people continue to lean over the edge, continue to sink into Her watery depths or struggle to get to us, but even so I can hear some screams, see some of them fight it off- see a mother scream and weep for her children who sink downwards, screams for her husband who's eyes are glazed and unfocused.

I see when her eyes meet mine and they're full of anguish and hurt and hatred- burning themselves across my soul.

"Why? Leave them! You're monsters!" she shrieks, voice high and distressed and hoarse.

And I watch as she's suddenly tugged under the waters, suddenly disappearing from sight- because her voice had shaken one person out of the trance and the Ocean couldn't have that.

I watch the spot feeling my soul tear and shred itself, feel my heart break again and tears to cloud my vision. Feel her words as ones that brand themselves across my skin, burning and searing.

I am a monster.

I'm despicable.

And slowly when the bodies continue to disappear from the water's surface, disappear as they sink to Her depths, my eyes fall onto a few children- young, barely older than six struggling to stay afloat, eyes glazed and small bodies sinking.

I don't know if it's the sight of them that does it or whatever has happened tonight because I suddenly stop singing, stop as my internal screaming is suddenly hear and causes the waters to shift and ripple.

"STOP! JUST STOP! YOU'VE TAKEN ENOUGH!" I scream into the vast empty surroundings, see as my shout causes a bit of the haze to disappear from the eyes of the children. I find myself moving forward, shifting to get closer to them, to do something, anything to save them when I find Her waters holding me in a vice grip, the songs of the others pouring out still and again I find myself forced to join, to trance them again and watch as they sink.

And when the waters are softly churning and only the six of us remain- I feel the order slip away and once again we are all in control. I feel the horror and dread and fear of what I've done, of the countless lives I've taken again swamp over me, feel the trickle of tears become a heavy downpour as I shudder and shake- feel the revulsion toward myself mount higher and higher.

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