Chapter 52- the aftermath of the night

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(Y/N) POV:

I swallow nervously, feeling a lump in my throat at the accidental sound that had slipped out. That was twice in one night. And I fight the urge to cower and hide when Seokjin and Hoseok's eyes turn to me, when they widen with alarm and they immediately move forward.

"What's wrong? What hurts?" Seokjin asks with a panicked urgency in his voice, eyes roving over me, trying to scan me for any physical injuries.

I shake my head desperately, the gesture making spots appear in my vision, temporarily blocking out the sight of them from my eyes. My hand goes to clutch tightly at the band of arms encircling me.

Silently letting Habaek oppa know I'm fine.

But even in his drugged state he shifts, trying to cooperate his limbs into sitting up properly, moving forward to look at me, hand a bit clumsy as he cups my cheek, dilated pupils trying to focus on me, trying to narrow onto me.

"...(Y/N), can you look at me please?" Hoseok's deep warm voice comes from unexpectedly closer than I recalled him standing and it takes a few moments of rapid blinking, to dislodge the black dots in my vision, and when I next blink my eyes open I find that his face is hovering close to me, peering at me with unrestrained worry, eyes large and dark and assessing.

I try to unwound myself from oppa's arms, to take the tray back in, to do something and try not to freak out over the fact that I'd made a very audible sound in front of them, praying they hadn't noticed by some miracle- even if their expressions had shifted drastically afterwards.

"Don't do that. Don't try hide." Hoseok says firmly, moving the table back when he sees me try to reach for it, having successfully pried off one heavy arm that was nearly deadweight.

He frowns at me.

I give a smaller much lighter shake of my head, as I scrabble off, making a hand gesture for five minutes looking imploringly at him, and feeling a small victory when he concedes, nodding as he moves back allowing me to rush past, tray forgotten as the buzzing feeling in my veins becomes a rush instead, a flood as it pushes at my skin, making my skin feel as if it's thrumming with electricity, charged and feeling sensitive, that even the brush of the jumper on my skin feels harsh and uncomfortable than the usual relief and solace it brought me whenever I pulled one of Habaek oppa's clothes on.

I stagger to the downstairs bathroom, feeling my feet to be unsteady under me, or maybe it's the floor that keeps tilting and veering away from under my steps no matter how carefully I take them and it distantly occurs to me that my hand fumbles far too much as I try to grip at the handle, unsure why my hands tremble as I push the door open and stumble in to get to the sink.

My reflection greets me when I look into the mirror, note that for some reasons my pupils keep dilating sporadically, that my fingers tremble when I clutch at the sink and my skin feels simultaneously hot and cold, cheeks warm and yet I feel like I'm breaking out in a cold sweat.

And the water I splash on my face to get my cheeks to cool down does nothing.

There's no way that one small sip could do this could it?

That whatever was flooding Habaek oppa's veins was beginning to filter through mine too.

I shake my head.

There's no way.

And it's far too late to call Mi-sun unnie, I can't even do that my mind quips reminding me of the two people waiting for me in the living room, and if I send a text she's not likely to see it.

I think to the text message she'd sent and it begin to dawn on me that I had to somehow be extremely careful that not another sound slipped out of me and that Habaek oppa didn't worsen. His condition confused me.

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