Chapter 53- learning how the night passes differently

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I stretch out my arms and legs, blankets falling off my body when I sit up, but I make no move to cover myself up, sliding out of bed and feeling perfectly fine with the eyes that burn a gaze across my naked back, drifting lower- the gaze is appreciative and hungry.

Pity I don't have time to indulge in a bit of fun before I leave.

But modelling won't do itself.

"Can't you stay? For even one quickie in the shower?" the voice comes out slightly rough both from sleep and their endless groaning and moaning last night.

I bend down to pick up my discarded bra and panties, sliding them on before I turn. Running my eyes over the man propped up against the headboard, body scattered with marks. My marks.

And smile.

"Sorry no can do. I've got to head to work." I say, smiling far too wide and happily considering I'm trying to apologise and ease him off the idea of more.

They didn't get more. They got the night and that was it.

My head feels fine too regardless of how much I'd drank- I'd had centuries to perfect drinking, no more hangovers and splitting headaches, or waking up with no idea how I'd tumbled into someone else's sheets, body bare and hair splayed across pillows. No. Centuries meant that I was always in control of how the night turned out, how things played out. They didn't choose me, I chose them.

For momentary relief. For a small escape.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

But I soften my eyes at the look of slight vulnerability in the man's eyes- that flicker with uncertainty, running through with questions as he tries to recall if he did something wrong.

That was the only reason I'd feel occasional guilt towards them. But I'd always entered with them knowing full well it was just for a night- just for a night that we'd use each other's bodies to get pleasure.

It made me sometimes feel like the bad guy.

I draw the dress back over my body, glancing in the mirror and smiling when I see my makeup hasn't been ruined whilst asleep.

"I enjoyed last night." I say by way of both thanks and a goodbye, smiling at him.

It seems to work because an easy grin stretches across his lips as he nods.

"See you around?" he asks.

I shrug, bounding my hair back up.

"Maybe..." I say ambiguously, giving a small wave as I step out, strapping my heels back on.

And on my way back home I become more and more animated, sinking into the back seat of a cab and wondering what best way to regale my night to Habaek and (Y/N). It's funny seeing how flustered (Y/N) can get when I try to go into detail teasingly and how Habaek glares at me whilst protectively cupping her ears, but in all honesty they've seen and heard it all.

There's not much hidden from each other if anything once you've had to live together in all sort of situations and living conditions. We've seen each other at our best and our worsts. It's made us love each other more.

And my face slips into a small frown when I see that my message had been read by (Y/N) but she didn't reply. Habaek hasn't even opened it.

He's ruining my fun.

But I make note to be extra teasing when I get home, stepping out and moving towards the front door. I let myself in, surprised at the lack of noise- the two of them aren't bothered by nights out, so they should be up.

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