Chapter 6- sliding and slipping

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"Hyung are you sure you want to come? There's no pressure, I can get one of the others to." I say, looking confusedly at Yoongi hyung.

The confusion hasn't gone from when hyung had come up to me this morning and told me that he'd be happy to take me to the ice rink. Hyung never volunteered for active outings. So what's changed?

"Yes Jimin-ah, I'm sure. Why wouldn't I?" hyung said, a small smile playing at his lips, dark eyes glittering as he looks at me.

The others are more than happy to usher us off, Jin hyung pulling me close to wind a scarf around my neck and one around Yoongi hyung, who despite all his grumbling and protesting can't hide the pleased flush when hyung pulls us in for kisses before waving us off.

"Take care of each other and Yoongi-ah don't be a spoilsport." He calls after us, eyes bright and smile stretched wide as he watches the two of us leave.

And oddly hyung is chatting excitedly, fingers intertwined with mine as they rest in the middle as he drives, one hand effortlessly controlling the wheel, practiced ease in his body.

And when he parks in front of the ice rink, I turn to him. Hand keeping his stationary and preventing him from leaving.

"Last chance hyung, I'll give you an out." I warn, eyes playfully meeting his own.

But his are determined and unmovable- eyes glinting as they look at me.

"Nope! Let's go in then Jimin-ah." He says, unbuckling his belt before opening the door to get out. I follow him in excited haste, the realisation that hyung is actually going to be skating with me sinking in, sending excitement and eagerness to thrum through my body- nearly vibrating with the joy of doing something like this with him.


Hyung lied. Blatantly and easily to my face as he settled down comfortably in the seats made for viewing and watching as the others skated inside- smiling gummily at me as he looks up at me, at the way I'm standing there with my hands on my hips, frowning at him.

"But hyung~" I whine, but it only serves to widen his smile, spreading further across his lips and I have to fight the conscious desire to smile back at him and perhaps steal a kiss or two.

"I never said I'd skate, I said I'd happily come along- you should've clarified Jiminie." He says, eyes flitting with a teasing flame.

"Ahh hyung, don't tease. Why won't you just come with me, it's not that bad!" I say, trying to wheedle him into agreeing.

But he shakes his head.

"Easy for you Jimin-ah, not easy for me. I still haven't forgotten the time we all went as a group." He says, pouting and immediately my heart softens. Him being here is enough, he doesn't need to be on the ice with me- watching me is more support than he needs to give and I know whether or not he cheers me on loudly, he'll be doing it inside his heart.

"Fine~ but cheer me on like I do at your basketball matches." I tease as I step away to get into line, to get skates in my size, eyes full of fondness at hyung who's settled happily into his seat.

And when I step onto the ice, the ground slippery and smooth- temperature lower than it had been outside, I'm thankful for the scarf hyung had wrapped me into, as well as the jumper Yoongi hyung had tugged out of my wardrobe this morning.

I slowly pick up pace, starting with doing just laps around the rink before slowly increasing speed, weaving in and out of others, adding in the small tricks and skills I'd learnt when I'd gone out with Tae and Kookie. And even though I don't turn, I can feel Yoongi hyung's burning gaze across the ice, fiery and intense as he watches me whirl and twist and glide.

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