Chapter 100- bruised but healing

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Despite how her face widens with a tired smile when she says she'll go anywhere, a part of me frets even as she tries to stand; shaking off our hands lightly as she straightens.

Showing that she's perfectly fine as she gives her feet a shake.

But my eyes still follow her out of the studio, watch as Kookie's arm around her waist is supportive as much as it is a loving touch. Holding her in case she needs help.

"I almost can't believe we found her like this." Jiminie murmurs beside me, fingers sliding to lace together with mine.

I nod.

Never had I thought that the very person occupying our thoughts would appear in front of our eyes like this. Never thought that after days of not seeing her that we suddenly and finally could.

"I can't believe she was dancing on bruised toes." I grouse.

Eyes flitting to her bandaged feet, steps spry and light despite how dark and discoloured her skin had become from pushing herself too much, from continuing to dance on them.

I hadn't said then but the bruises were dark enough that they were the product of days and not hours of dancing. I wondered how many times, how many hours she'd been holed up in here dancing, shut away from us, from the world and we hadn't even realised, we hadn't felt the tug to dance when she wasn't there.

"I can. She danced when she fell last time remember? She danced and she didn't use the salve or the ice. She's a stubborn one." Jiminie says from beside me, his gaze too is fixed on the sight of Kookie and (Y/N)'s close figures, at the way she ever so slightly leans against him as they walk.

Stubborn as she grit her teeth and walked even though all three of us had offered to help her, had offered her a piggyback.

It makes my own teeth grind.

Ahead of us slightly I hear light hushed bickering, playful and good-natured.

"Come on (Y/N)~ let me sweep you off your look exhausted standing up anyways." Kookie wheedles.

She shakes her head.

"I'm fine Kookie! And what a know how to make a lady feel special." She gripes back but her voice is too fond, too exhausted to be truly insisting.

"My lady should feel special all the time. And she can do that perfectly fine as I'm carrying her." he says, suddenly stilling and dropping into a  couch onto the floor.

His hand that's holding hers tugs her behind him, peering over his shoulder to look at her, staring obstinately.

"Get on. If I see another wince I'm bringing out the big guns." He threatens.

(Y/N) leans forward, a small, resigned sigh as she winds her arms around him.

"Which is what exactly?" she mumbles.

His hands wrap around her legs as he stands, clutching her securely.

"I get Jin hyung." He says.

Ignoring the mock gasp she gives.

"You wouldn't!" she retorts but then leans her head closer, resting it against his.

Voice softer when she next speaks.

"Don't do that. I don't want to worry him. I didn't want to worry you three either." She confesses.

Her voice goes soft, dropping as if confessing.

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