Chapter 83- history's cycle turns once more

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I glower at the screen, watching as the points steadily and constantly wrack up, bonuses, perfects, combos, points after points adding to her already high score, adding that much more distance between what I knew for certain was a very painful gap and reach to her first-place position from my second...maybe even third now.

The upbeat, pop tune of the song that she so effortlessly moves her feet to, even spinning and adding elaborate moves for has me temporarily distracted from my defeat. Taken by the way her face is radiant with joy, with such satisfaction and giddiness that my scowl slips off my face, taken in by her infectious enthusiasm and joy. Unable to stay frustrated for long.

I'd take her smiles and laughter, I'd take in the way her face glowing with radiance and the way her eyes slid from the screen to meet me, sight focused on her and solely her, the arcade's noise and low bustle melting away to where our eyes meet, to where her lips curve up in a smile.

Sweet satisfaction and smugness.

I start, head snapping back to the screen but it's too late. The music of the song stops playing and she stops moving, turning to face me as I face the screen and the high score comes to illuminate the screen, bright and triumphant

That damned letter. One single letter that determines her victory and my loss.


"How's that Jungkookie?" she asks, the nickname slipping past her tongue, smile growing wider at the way my lips twitch and smile threatens to appear despite myself, stepping off the game machine to move towards me.

My hands move to slide along her waist, brushing across loose billowy fabric before I'm tugging her close, sighing loudly even as the grin stretches across my face.

"I suppose it was a very well played performance. You get ten points for enthusiasm." I say, resignedly admitting it, as if it was tugged out of my mouth to say those words.

Her eyes shine with amusement, soft deep pools of warmth, coaxing and inviting.

"And what about performance?" she asks, fingers trailing distractingly over my shoulders down my chest, head cocked as she looks at me.

"Performance...performance I'll have to see." I manage to get out, so distracted by the way she's looking at me.

And now she sighs.

A long, drawn out sound that has her lips parting slightly, echoing my own.

"Ahh such a shame. I'll have to put on a better show then. To get those ten points." She says simply, leaning away but her lips curve with mischief, her eyes flicker with something silent and promising, something so entirely different to the conversation we're having.

Something that makes my eyes trail over her and my hands tighten on her waist.

"Now come on Jungkookie! I thought someone promised a trip to the diner if they lost?" she asks.

I smile, leaning in to peck her lips. Wanting to leave my lips to linger on them, to leave the print of them onto hers but slowly move away, move away before the taste of them become addicting, become so enticing that I can't let go.

A kiss because she's won.

A kiss because I can't get enough of her, of her heady presence with her giddy, infectious laughter and shining expressive eyes.

A kiss because it was those same lips that had remained firmly shut, had been unable to speak and then those same lips that had spoken so softly, so sweetly and enticingly- words winding around my heart and tugging me close. And those same lips that were now just as expressive as her eyes, curved up with laughter, stretched wide with elation and right now parted in a sigh. Her lips were one of the things that gave her away.

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