Chapter 76- kiss it better

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When our lips meet she makes a small soft gasp, a pained broken sound as if she never expected it, as if she crumbles at the touch for all that she leans in, grips at my wrists- both to anchor me there, to draw me close and to feel me, to reassure herself I'm not going anywhere. And I lean into her, promising with my lips that I have no intention of leaving, that we wouldn't leave her. I chase after the warmth of her lips, the soft sweetness of them as I trace them, tongue lightly tracing the curve of them, the dip and bow of them before gently brushing across the seam- cupping her face and keeping her there, tilting her face up towards me, parting to take in the sight of her, the way her eyes flutter open to reveal the hints of vulnerability in them before my lips press to the curve of her cheeks, lingering there as I press soft kisses to her skin.

"You matter. You will always matter." I say hands falling away to draw her onto my lap, to hold her close- seeing the way her eyes flicker with emotion, the way her throat bobs and she looks at me.

"Your hurts matter because they're yours. You're not broken." I say, feeling my heart clench when her hands ever so hesitantly trail to rest on my shoulders, fisting the fabric there, bunched between her fingers to hold me, to keep me close.

But I'm not going anywhere. Have no intention to.

"I'm not?" she asks, a small rush of air as she says the words, an exhale as the question comes out. She genuinely seems to be confused and shocked at the notion, disbelief colouring the words.

My hands tighten on her waist, tug her closer.

"You're not." I reiterate and this time she closes the distance between us, lips meeting mine in a surge of warmth and need- the warmth turning into a fiery heat when she slowly kisses me, her lips brushing against mine tenderly, slowly seeking out touch and comfort and now learning she doesn't need to hold back, she doesn't need to keep back from it and when my tongue flicks against her lips she parts them, the small invitation clear when her tongue brushes against mine- a spark of heat that jolts my body at the touch, tongue sliding into her mouth to lick and suck, brushing against her tongue and coaxing her to meet mine hearing the small whimpering sound she makes and tugging her close, kissing her deep and slow- swallowing the sound and groaning when her fingers slide to my hair, tug at the ends of my hair, lips falling away from hers when she gasps, head falling back, mesmerised by the sight of the slender curve of her throat as her head coming to rest against Tae's shoulder, who'd been pressing his lips to the back of her neck, his lips curved up in a knowing teasing lilt as he wraps his arms around her, draws her back and mouths at her jaw, lips trailing teasingly down to her neck, my eyes glued to the sight of how it bobs when she swallows heavily, when her hands tremble before fisting into her side.

I draw close to take her hands in mine, her fingers curling around me and I raise them slightly, lowering my head to brush my lips across her knuckles, hearing a shuddery gasp at Tae's mouth pressing open-mouthed kisses to her skin.

And then her small sounds peter off into a startled sound, a peal of giggles- airy and light and it's because as I'd lowered my head, a ball of fluff had had enough of waiting and with a silent leap bounded over to lap at her knuckles with his tongue, tail wiggling as he waits for her to focus on him.

She laughs as she raises her head, the hazy look of want fading for sheer fondness as she looks at Tannie, as his paws scamper against my hands- eagerly standing up on his hind legs and giving a bark- pleased to have successfully gotten her attention.

"Sorry Tae, Tannie needs and wants his kisses too." She says, voice holding a breathless quality but there's amusement seeping into it, the uncertainty and insecurity banished as she slowly tries to disentangle our fingers- smiling when I hold on and give a brief squeeze, lips that are swollen and wet curving up, my fingers letting go she can scoop Tannie up- his tail swishing quickly as she brings him towards her, cooing over him.

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