Chapter 65- a storm is brewing

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It takes an awfully long time but we manage to decide on the plan for our first date with (Y/N). It took so long because we wanted everything to be perfect, because we wanted this to be something she'd love, something she'd remember for her entire life. It took us so long to confront our feelings for her, to give them a name, a label- so dating her wasn't something we wanted to take ages in beginning.

Given how much time we'd wasted whilst we all individually suppressed our emotions, whilst we festered alone with our thoughts and felt guilty for them, it made no sense to any of us to hold back.

Tae, Jungkookie and Hobi had all been for taking her on a date the next day but Yoongi hyung had talked them out of it, wanting to give her some time and space to register that she'd agreed to date seven of us. And there was only her. We didn't know if she'd ever dated more than one person at the same time, didn't know what she was thinking. Hyung's words made perfect sense.

It could be overwhelming. It could take time for her to process it.

But even so. Our patience could only hold us back so much. So we all decided on taking her out on a date a week from the day we had proposed to her.

"Did she reply yet?" Jiminie asks from where he's fidgeting on the thick rug, sprawled over it- limbs splayed wide but the stiffness giving away that he's stiff and tensed up. Awaiting her response. Just like the rest of us were. 

"No Jiminie...she might be busy. Or not have her phone on her." I say, shrugging casually even if my shoulders stiffness make it a slightly jerky robotic move.

And so begins a waiting game.

And despite how competitive we all are, it's one game we're all rubbish at and have no fondness for.

But the reply doesn't come. Not in the next few minutes, the hour.

And after that everyone straightens up from their spaces in the living room and going about to try and distract themselves.

Though the next few hours pass by in tense anticipation, every time a phone chimes or pings- heads rise and turn to the source of the sound, hopeful excitement on every face- leaning forward with the expectation that it's (Y/N)'s response.

I think individually everyone begins to become downcast, scared, suddenly uncertain that maybe she's seen and hasn't replied, maybe she's second-guessing her decision. Suddenly I begin to run the memory of the scene through my head. Did we pressurise her? Did she feel compelled to say yes? Did she even feel the same attraction as we did? Were our feelings far more than what she felt?

It makes it hard for me to focus, makes my hands reach out for the book she'd gifted me.

She was extremely astute, observant. And surely I hadn't misread her interest, her observation as something more had I?

It made me wonder whether I knew her that well. Scared that my book choice would've been a gamble. It was because I was scared of whether she'd like it which was why I'd left a note, hoping that she'd have some point to start off with.

And it's as I'm staring at the book, trying to see if it would reveal anything about her, about her thoughts when she chose it that there's another ping going off in the living room.

I sigh.

It's not (Y/N).

But the sound of a commotion has me looking up, where Yoongi hyung has suddenly unseated Jiminie in his haste to get up, eyes wide as he stares at his phone screen.

"Jin hyung! Taehyung-ah!" Yoongi hyung yells, voice shattering the air.

Hobi and Kookie who'd been watching an animation film pause it to turn towards hyung, the sound of footsteps and increasingly louder voices which grow closer as the two come into the living room.

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