Chapter 32- sweet company and invitations

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(Y/N) POV:

I find myself bound to the promise I'd made Hoseok and as such dutifully remain in the house until I've completely recovered- the days wiled away in a blur of scrapbooking, colouring, movies and slowly trudging through the house to find activities to do. I'd managed to get as far as getting out all the ingredients to bake a cake before Mi-sun unnie had caught me- not tugging me back to the nest made on the sofa but rather, darting up as I was unaware- blissfully ignorant as I measured flour only for her to seize me from behind and relentlessly tickle- flour getting over the two of us and the counter.

I'd spluttered at the dry powdery taste in my mouth and turned to look at her grinning, pressing a kiss to my flour covered cheek before darting away- calling out that she was heading off for a long soak.

And as I'd begun to clean, I suddenly got reminded of the noughts and crosses I'd played with Seokjin- it seemed like eons ago to that day where our friendship had begun blossoming.

And my finger trails through the flour setting it up, I make a circle in one of the grids and impulsively send the snap off to Seokjin- in response to the text he'd sent not too long ago about what I was doing.

And it's a minute or so, just as I'm about to wipe it all off that my phone pings with a reply, a photo of a similar grid on a marbled counter but with a cross on it too. I grin at the two words under it.

Game on.

And so begins perhaps the weirdest, most unique game of noughts and crosses I've ever played as I copy out his cross before adding my noughts, giggling as we play even though he's not physically here. Somehow his enthusiasm and humorous expressions are clearly envisioned in my mind as we play and it's as he's declared victor of the first round that I pause to start sieving the dry ingredients and creaming the butter and sugar together, then adding in the other ingredients slowly and in order to create a pale thick silky cake batter.

And as I'm pouring it into tins, getting ready to set it in the oven my phone pings again- hastening my pace to get them in before turning my attention back to the message that awaits.

And as the cakes bake, in the midst of cleaning up and checking on them Seokjin sends me an invite to a game instead that can be played through messages once I download the app- and somehow makes it seem like no time at all that the cakes are sitting golden and cooling on the racks.

And after the many games we've played- no longer keeping track of who's winning does he send a text.

Are you bored stuck at home?

And then.

Being ill sucks. But not a step outside until you're fine.

I smile at the concern and soft nagging he somehow conveys through text, feeling touched that he cares enough to worry. That all of them have shown me nothing but kindness and concern and considered me as a friend. So easily accepting me into their fold.

I'm better now. I reply back, smiling when he sends a happy celebrating emoji in response.

And even though I'm confined to the house until I'm better, Seokjin makes for excellent virtual company as I finish up the cakes- decorating them and setting them aside, not realising how time flew by.

I make good company don't I? he suddenly quips via message.

I startle, it's like he's read my thoughts.

The very best as a sous-chef.

And laugh when he sends me a direct voice message filled with affront as he claims he's the head chef, mumbling about disrespect to the elder, much experienced cook.

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