Chapter 67- the world crashes

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(Y/N) pauses, eyes going wide and lips parting as she looks down at the sight that Hobi gestures to, stunned and shocked into a silence that has no cute, surprised gasps or a delighted giggle like I'd been yearning to hear. But she's equally endearing like this, silently awed and unable to wrench her eyes away from the sight.

It looks like our thoughts, careful planning and sincerity can be felt and I can see the silent giddiness in everyone's expressions, in the way everyone seems to be communicating by telepathy- connected by minds and hearts that all whisper the same thing, all breathe with relief that she liked it, that our first date seems to have started off on a good positive note.

"Do you like it that much? Did we steal your breath away cutie?" Hobi asks, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to give her a hug, seeming delighted by her stunned expression, as if it surpasses his personal expectations regarding her reaction.

Tae and Kookie lean in close, eyes sparkling with joy as they each take a hand, tugging her alongside them as they begin the descent down the slightly rocky path, their usual boisterousness of chasing after each other vanishing and whilst they'd have usually raced each other to the shore- they take careful care, eyes flitting constantly to her to make sure she's not wobbling or struggling, keeping an eye out for her.

Hobi doesn't mind that he didn't get an answer, already leading the way behind the maknaes with a bright expression, snagging Yoongi's hand in his.

The weather is perfect, warmer than it had been these past few weeks, a mixture of sunshine, clouds and a gentle breeze.

As if the universe was working in cahoots with us, the weather trying to be the best it could be so that she'd remember this date, so it would be memorable for her.

It was exciting and nervous to get to the point of leading upto this moment, of walking down the path to get to the beach because it seemed like it had been so long, so long since I'd planned a date to such fine detail, so long since I'd felt so out of my depth, of traversing foreign waters. 

But it was also equally as meaningful and special. As if I was learning all over again the magic and sweet novelty of falling for someone, of wanting to go and above and beyond for them, of wanting to coax out the happiest reactions and expressions from them.

And somehow (Y/N) had become that person. The person who lingered in my mind, who crept into thought when we were all together. Who seemed so naturally and easily to slot herself into my mind and heart, making a place long before I'd consciously accepted it, because maybe a part of me had always known those feelings of wanting to spend time with her, of being near with her was beyond platonic friendliness. I hadn't felt such an attachment to a friend ever and when I'd compared how similar the feelings for her were to the feelings I had for the guys. And knew that my feelings were too far gone to hold back or try to reign in.

And seeing how she fit so easily between the two, the two of them chattering happily- heads curved towards her, eyes lingering on her I could see how much she meant to them too.

"Do you think she'll like what else we've got planned?" Jiminie asks, squeezing my hand to get my attention.

I pause as we step off onto soft sand.

"I hope it too much to have planned a romantic lunch that we've all planned and cooked for on a boat? Is it too intense for a first date?" I suddenly ask, worried that we might come across as too strong, too forceful, too invested where she might not that deeply into this so early on.

But he shakes his head. Smiling as his eyes follow the others walking ahead, catching upto the maknaes.

"(Y/N)'s a soft soul, she'll love the thought behind it hyung. And all those hours you slaved away in the kitchen for before us even weren't for show, they were because you genuinely want her to enjoy every moment. Just like we all do." He says, shooting me a bright smile before he's tugging me alongside him to move quicker, complaining that everyone is already far ahead and near the boat.

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