Chapter 102- curtain rise

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I frown when the coat hides the sight of the dress (Y/N)'s wearing, hiding away from sight the vision Hobi hyung had exclaimed she was when he'd seen her in it. But she smiles, rosy lips curving up in a smile as she taps my lips.

"Why the frown Tae honey? Not excited to see me?" she asks, mirroring my frown.

I shake my head, snagging her waist between my hands and tugging her close, eyeing the smooth plushness of her lips, invitingly pink.

"Because if you are...I'm sure I can go give Tannie all the love I have. Or one of the others. I'll give your kisses to him too." She says, moving to step away, eyes drifting away from me to peer at the car and the open front door.

When she steps away, however, my hands tighten and one drifts from her waist as the other curves around her back. Cupping her cheek as I lean in.

My eyes search hers, see the mischief and tease that flicker in them.

"Oh sweetheart, I won't let anyone take my intended kisses. Not Tannie, nor any of the boys." I murmur, thumb brushing across her bottom lip, feeling the soft giving warmth of it under my touch.

"That's not what a gentleman would say is it Lord Kim?." She croons, leaning in against me, hand reaching out to capture my own, a ghost of a kiss across my knuckles. Holding my wrist.

I brush my lips against hers, soft and light. Hold back from that want to coax her mouth under mine, to meld her lips with my own and to draw out a sweet litany of sounds.

"Oh love... you make even chivalrous Lords want to turn into rogues and ruffians. It's part of your power, your intoxicating hold." I whisper.

And then my lips are leaning back in, diving for a taste of those pink warm lips that respond automatically to my own, hand sliding up my chest to curl around my nape, winding into small curls as she tugs me closer. Kissing her is always surreal- something new and exciting and thrilling. And yet something so sweetly familiar and intimate and perfect; the touch of her mouth branded against my own, the feel of them forever immortalised into memory and feeling. I sigh when she parts her mouth, tongue brushing gently against my lips; silently imploring and seeking entrance, tongue moving to hers. The air curls around us, a cool breeze that ruffles hair and caresses skin and yet all I can feel, seeping into my own body is her heat, brushing against mine, her fingers curled around my nape. And then the heat of another body, brushing against me. 

And then she's gasping, lips falling away from mine, eyes fluttering. My gaze goes to the person who's stolen her attention and focus, watch the head bent over her, open-mouthed kisses pressed to the column of her throat. Watch as Jin hyung draws a shuddery gasp out of her, his arms wound across her torso above my own hand, slowly tugging her away.

"Hyung!" I exclaim. 

I get a lazy unhurried gaze flicking to me before he spins (Y/N) round to face him, mouthing at her jaw, lips quirking when she tries to push him away only for her to curl her hands into his jacket.

"Sorry...couldn't resist my flower." He says, unabashedly unapologetic. Curled around her as he grins at me, eyes going to the door behind.

"Hurry up! Hobi's been waiting for ages. This date is everything to him." he admonishes at the sight of Joon hyung and Kookie stumbling out quickly, but behind them emerges a sheepish Jiminie who locks up behind him, a stream of apologies as he rushes forward, greeting (Y/N) with a quick hug and peck before nudging her towards the car.

"Where's Yoongi hyung?" I ask but the answer is found when I open the car and he raises his head from where he's already tucked up in the back corner of the third row.

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