Chapter 46- you give you the best of you

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It's an opportunity that comes in the form of my dance teachers. One Park Jimin and one Jung Hoseok. I notice them amble past, talking to each other happily- hands encased in each other's holds as they walk past. An opportunity that comes because (Y/N) bends down at that moment to get one of the jeans I've requested her to in my size. And so she doesn't notice them.

And when she straightens she angrily signs to me that she will not be wearing most of the items I keep pulling off racks and shelves in her size.

Oh my poor dear unknowing baby...has she still not learnt I'll wrangle her into these clothes one way or another? And she does look absolutely fabulous in them, super scrumptious...that if I didn't have the urge to spend all these centuries doting on her and continue to spend eternity doing so if I could, I would just gobble her up. But I do know that perhaps there are some willing to do that for me, some who's eyes linger on her and not only in the same sweet loving manner that mine and Habaek's do.

And two of those suspected people have just ambled in...right into my eagerly awaiting hands.

(Y/N) taps at my shoulder, to get my attention again and then pouts in a huff when all I do is simply turn to pull a black sheer top off the racks- eyeing the tasteful and very strategically placed embroidery and embellishments and she immediately zeroes in onto the size. Her size to be exact.

I shoot her a look as if to say, 'you know it'll look good, own it' and she sighs silently, dismayed, and resigned.

But I do dial it down and begin choosing some softer shades, some longer dresses and tops too. Maybe it's not a necessity for her, but for me- seeing her adorned in the clothes I've chosen, there's something both personal and intimate about it that makes me feel touched, proud too when I see her wearing them, owning those outfits and being her sweet dazzling self.

I can see the silent argument, the repetitive questions in her eyes- primarily the one of 'why do you do this to me?'. She won't know the pleasure I get to see her in the clothes I choose and buy for her, very much similar to the pleasure Habaek gets when he sees her drowning in his clothes. He'd actually been in tears the first time it had happened. When she very shyly and hesitantly tugged at his sleeve and asked whether she was allowed to borrow his clothes, that they made her feel safe and feel as if she was wrapped up in a hug by him even if he wasn't there. 

And he'd nodded, silent tears trickling down and peppered kisses over her face, smiling at her look of confusion and nodded frantically- tugging her with him and threw open the wardrobe doors, telling her that from that moment onwards she was allowed to take whatever she wanted, no questions ever asked.

I break myself free from those soft nostalgic thoughts.

"Oh just indulge me. You know I like playing dress-up with you. You're the only one who actually lets me make you into a doll." I sigh, a mixture of lamenting and wheedling- shooting her puppy eyes. (Y/N) was a sucker for puppy eyes.

She looks at me, clearly unaffected at the moment. Looking at me unbothered. I forgot she's had centuries of them. She must've built some sort of immunity to them, otherwise she'd have signed up to everything I ever proposed, would've seen so much easier to convince.

"Don't do this to it such a crime to want to dress up my darling? You're gorgeous and I don't think it's a crime if we show the world that." I continue, pouting at her. I hear two familiar voices, just the bare minimum of them trailing over. Reminding me what it was I was trying to ascertain. Trying to make sure of.

She's just the slightest bit close to thawing, I know I need a big push to get her to agree.

And as much as I love her...sometimes you just got to play dirty.

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