Chapter 110- one more service

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When we reach the waters... she's already gone.

Vanished under the crashing tides, roaring and angry with a vengeance, water thrumming and churning restlessly.

(Y/N)'s gone. And walked right into the torrent of water, merciless and dark.

And staring at the waters, eyes fixated onto the dark waters are Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung; faces raw and agonised, hands clutching tightly at each other, knuckles whitened and bodies taut.

And Jin hyung and Joon hyung don't respond to our call of their names, eyes unblinking and it takes Yoongi hyung's hand, squeezing Jin hyung's shoulder as he curls close; a soft murmur as he tries to coax him to look his way that he slowly turns his face. Face shadowed with grief and tears brimming in his eyes, dried tearstains on his cheeks.

"Yoongi-ah... she's gone." Voice aching and trembling.

"She's gone... and... it's been over an hour. She hasn't come back." He says, her name spilling over and over past his lips, hand shaking as he clutches at the one settled over his shoulder.

"She'll come back. Hyung she'll come back." He tries to reassure but the panic and fear gnawing away at Jin hyung is clear from the slight tremble to his body, fingers squeezing Joon hyung who's gaze is yet to tear away from the waters.

"She vanished. She walked into the waters and suddenly vanished." Voice a soft whisper carried over with the salty tang in the breeze.

And Joon's eyes when they turn are empty; hollowed out and hardened, shoulders stiff and voice low and monotone.

"She vanished. And she hasn't come back up." he repeats.

"Hyung... Namjoonie hyung she'll come back. The... service won't take her away, we just have to wait." Kookie implores, voice firm and assured with the knowledge, faith resonating in each syllable and a strong, strong reassurance in it. Voice soft but in no way insecure or anything less than confident.

"How can you be so sure Kook-ah?" Tae asks, eyes flickering with uncertainty and pain, eyeing the waters with a hardened flintiness and stiff posture even as Hobi hyung curls close to him, a shiver running through his spine. The air cold and fierce.

"Because. She just will. And we'll be here." He says, eyes pooling with tears but voice level and firm.

He won't have it any other way.

Neither of us will.

And when Joon hyung disentangles himself, staggering towards the shore, Hobi hyung is right beside him, the two of them sinking down together. It's then I see the small pile of clothes tucked to the side near them. Heart lurching at the sight of them, at the way my stomach sinks, skin crawling with alarm and nervousness.

And for hours we wait. Eventually all seven of us sinking down by the shore, bodies curled close and eyes unwavering from the churning waters that crash angrily against the shore; the spray of cold sea brushing across our faces, wind tugging and roughly tousling hair.

If (Y/N) had never said... I wouldn't have ever been able to see the ocean as a living being, as an entity with power and consciousness.

But now that she's said it I can't help but look at every roll of water chipping away at the shore as an angry strike, can't stop seeing the bubbling torrent of waters as restlessness and frustration. Can't help but see darkness and cold hardness in the inky blue stain it blots the horizon with.

I look at the waters and I want to get as far away from them as possible. 

The sky begins to turn dark, the same inky blot spreading out wider across the horizon, sea and sky melding together, air turning colder and fiercer, the only sound the waves fiercely slamming into each other.

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