Chapter 12- water isn't always the enemy

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I smile when I note all six of them in the stands cheering me on, holding cute signs and wearing matching colours- not that I'd ever admit it aloud. I can't stop smiling as I play, hearing their loud bright yells and cheers filter through the other noises, bolstering me on to play better, harder just for them.

And I don't stop smiling even as we all pile into the car and drive home, the others waiting with food, blankets, and cuddles when I come back from showering- arms open invitingly for me to slide in and just enjoy the time with them.

I pull Kookie close, smiling when he happily nestles into my side, entangling our legs as I draw a blanket over the two of us, pressing a kiss to his awaiting pouty lips.

"You were amazing hyung." He breaths against my lips, before moving to pepper sweet slow kisses against my skin, ducking down to press a final kiss to my neck before curling around me again. I feel my heart swell with the love I have for him, for the others who've stuck by me all this time. Hobi and Jiminie are curled up together on the adjacent couch, murmuring softly between themselves, faces alight with a soft hope and then they turn to shoot me bright loving smiles. Everyone is slotted around easily with each other, Tae situated between hyung and Joon. Everyone has their place here, everything clicks- we're all wandering souls who found each other.

But as I think of that my mind suddenly drifts off to a lost soul with deep eyes that hold a world of untold stories, of a soul who drifted into Magic Shop and smiled despite hurting. And I wonder if she has people to help keep her adrift and just for a few moments with Kookie sighing happily in my arms, I wonder whether she has anyone to hold her when life gets too much.

(Y/N) POV:

I sit on my bed, blanket lying on my lap as I stare at the card, the hypnotic allure of Hoseok's promise, his words which could change so much, help me cope so much better.

I look up when there's a knock at the door, Habaek oppa pokes his head in, smiling brightly when he sees me already up.

"Morning cherub." He chirps before stepping in, eyes falling to the card in my hands- slight curiosity in his features.

"Mi-sun wouldn't say anything about the dance lesson. She was just very happy to tell me that she'd left you with two guys." He says, walking closer.

I lift my blanket from the side, a clear invitation for him to get in if he wants and he beams, an excited yell coming out of his throat before he eagerly dives in, wrapping his long limbs around me as he lifts me up, plopping me onto his lap, hugging me from behind.

"Hoseok offered to move me to an advanced class. He thinks I can dance better." I confess, turning to look at him.

He hums thoughtfully before a bright smile spreads across his lips.

"Well...I know you can dance better. You didn't spend the good part of a few decades training in some of the best centres in the world and performing on some of the biggest stages to be in a beginner's class." He says, nudging me playfully with a proud gleam in his eyes.

His words stir up memories of masks, costumes, spotlights, of the world melting away until there was only me and the music. Of months training endlessly, coming home drenched in sweat, muscles aching and protesting but feeling so, so satisfied and proud that I'd managed to nail a dance or if that day's performance had gone particularly well.

"One of my favourites was the birth of the black swan." He adds, tugging me further into him, head resting on my shoulder.

I smile at him.

Perhaps one of the earliest dances I'd done, performed one a stage that perhaps now lay in ruins or was shut down. It was a dance I helped choreograph- a dance based on rebirth because for us, moving to a different city, a different location was a rebirth- another chance at starting afresh and making new memories, settling down in different cultures.

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