That Butler, Solving

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"I... Can't believe this..." Arthur said, stunned. "I never could have imagined that something so unreal could be true..."

"Oh? Did you not return to the manor because you were assured of the fact?" Sebastian asked him.

"Well, a certain amount of doubt is normal, I think..." Chêne said with a sympathetic smile. "Otherwise everyone would be onto to you."

"Heh. I suppose so," Sebastian said, looking back at Arthur. "If you had continued on your way home, you would have returned to your peaceful 'reality'. So why return?" he asked. The doctor was shaking. "All atremble at that." Arthur gritted his teeth and steeled his nerves.

"I-If the unease I felt turned out to be something more than simple disquiet on my part... It would become my duty to go after the Yard's carriage at once!"

"Haha!" Ciel laughed. "Professor, you are a most righteous man. You did write of your love for the knights of the middle ages in your work, so it's to be expected." He smirked. "Did it not occur to you that you might not be able to return home if you learned the truth?"

"Eh!?" Arthur gasped, paling as his heart beat loud in his chest.

"Heh! I was only joking," Ciel told him.

"Phew..." Arthur sighed, relieved.

"It doesn't sound like a joke when you say it," Chêne told Ciel, frowning slightly. Ciel smirked as he started climbing the stairs.

"—Just as you surmised..." he said to Arthur, looking over his shoulder at him. "... Woodley is not the culprit. At least... not in this case."

"!!" Arthur exclaimed.

"However, he belongs in that carriage," Ciel stated.

"... What do you mean?" Arthur asked.

"We shouldn't stand here talking. Let's see to preparing elevenses or some lunch," Ciel said. "Sebastian. Chêne."

"Yes, Sir," they answered.

"I'll get started on the tea," Chêne said, excusing herself to head for the kitchen.

"Allow me to show you the way," Sebastian told Arthur, gesturing for him to start up the stairs.

"..." Arthur hesitated.

"You desire to know the truth, do you not?" Sebastian asked, smirking slightly. "There is no need to be so terrified. We shall not eat you."


Sebastian led him into the conservatory, where Ciel was already waiting at the table. Arthur took a seat. They didn't have to wait long for Chêne to come, pushing the cart of tea and snacks. She found that Sebastian had very helpfully already prepared them sometime when she wasn't looking.

"Today, I have prepared Fortnum & Mason's darjeeling second flush... and petits fours as accompaniment," Sebastian said as he served the tea.

"..." Arthur stared at the sparkling plate of delicious snacks and the fragrant cup of tea with suspicion.

"Nothing here is poisoned, so please do help yourself," Ciel told him as the sipped his tea, amused by his apprehension. "—Well? How did you come to deduce Sebastian was alive, professor?"

"—In truth... I was not convinced he was," Arthur answered honestly. "I just felt vaguely ill at ease all the while, and... I can't really explain it too well, but he—how do I say this...? He was too perfect."

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