That Butler, Performs

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{Meanwhile, in Tent Eight...}

"Say... Can I sleep on the top bunk?" Ciel's freckle-faced roommate asked, pausing in his climb up the bunks ladder, waiting for Ciel's answer.

"By all means. I was just thinking I would prefer the lower bunk," Ciel responded politely as he held onto the rucksack containing his belongings. 'I don't want to climb up there...' he thought, slightly chagrined. After all that training, Ciel would rather use his sore muscles as little as possible...

"I've been thinkin'," Freckle-face said as he plopped down into his bunk, peeking down, over the edge at Ciel, watching him unpack. "You sure speak real pretty 'n' upper crust, like," he observed casually.

"Eh!?" Ciel said nervously, caught off-guard. "D-Do I? It must be because I've been working at a manor since I was little..." Ciel lied lamely, smiling wryly. He hadn't even realized his proper English was slipping through... maintaining false accents was harder than he had realized...

"Ohhh! Well, if you need help, ask me anythin'!" Freckle-face said, smiling cheerfully. It looked like he didn't doubt Ciel's awkward excuse at all. "I know! Want some candy?" Freckle-face suddenly asked excitedly as he started digging through his own bag. "It's that popular Funtom kind! I got caramel, milk, and strawberry! Which one you want?"

"I–I'll take caramel then..." Ciel said, smiling wryly as he sweet dropped. He couldn't believe he actually was being offered his own product by another kid like this... He wasn't really that excited about it, but he didn't want to offend his new roommate by refusing what they seemed to think was a rather generous offer... 'Damn! I won't be able to visit Sebastian's tent like this,' he thought, chagrined.


{Tent Nine...}

"You'll sleep on the upper bed," Suit told Sebastian sternly. Chêne sweat dropped as Sebastian glared so coldly at the reaper that she could've sworn the temperature in the tent just dropped a few degrees... Sure, it was true they had promised the reaper he could divide up the room, but... they had meant sides...not beds. For some reason, he had started insisting that Chêne and Sebastian should sleep in separate beds... on opposite sides of the rooms... He was worse than Sister Mary-Joseph with her 'leave enough room for the Holy Spirit' rule at school dances!

"Um... Mister Suit... you do get that we're married, right?" Chêne asked, smiling wryly as she sweat dropped. "It's not like it'll be a scandal if we share the same––"

"Absolutely not," Will said, bluntly rejecting any opposition. "While I cannot control what you do behind closed doors elsewhere, as long as the two of you are here, I must ask that you refrain from producing any devil's spawn on my watch," he said seriously, adjusting his glasses. Chêne gaped at him.

"D-Devil's spawn...?" Chêne asked, sweat dropping again. Somehow... it had never occurred to her that's literally what any children she had with Sebastian would be... consider Chêne's mind imploded.

"Hmph," Sebastian said contemptuously as he glared sharply at the reaper, dead serious as he spoke. "As if I would ever let another catch a glimpse of Chêne's loveliness when she's at her most vulnerable, let alone hear her cries of ecstasy as we––"

"––Wooooow!!" Chêne shouted, blushing furiously as she jumped in between them, waving her arms frantically, as if trying to erase what Sebastian had just said. "T.M.I., Sebastian! No one else needs to know about our sex-life, okaaay!?" she scolded him, clearly scandalized.

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