That Butler, Compromising

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"Set off all the fireworks and distress flares we have aboard!" a freckle-faced officer ordered. "Keep the ship lit!" Another crew member came running towards him.

"We've received a transmission from a cargo vessel sailing nearby," he said urgently. "They can reach us in about two hours if they hurry."

"... Is that so!" the officer said. "All we can do now is get as many people on the boats as humanly possible. Do it quick!"

"Aye-aye, sir!" the crew member said. Down below, water continued to rush into the ship.

"Two more hours, eh...?" the officer said as more fireworks went off.


{First-Class Lounge...}

Grell held Rian by his ankle, letting him dangle from the second level of the room over the first.

"So you're Rian, hm?" the Reaper said.

"Wha—!?" Rian said. "How do you know my nam—"

"Okay, okay! That's enough small talk," Ronald said, sliding over to stand next to Grell. "Are we right in assuming you're the fellow who doctored the corpses to make them move?"

"!" Rian said, furrowing his brow.

"Such a pain, aren't they? These 'irregular' types," Ronald said. " 'Death' is s'posed to be a rule that can never be overturned in this world."

"Well?" Grell asked. "How do you stop those corpses?"

"Th—There's a device in my room that will nullify their absolute salvation!!" Rian exclaimed.


Rian stood in his first-class cabin, staring at the empty room with a pale face.

"—So?" Grell said, playing with his hair. "You were saying? Where's this device of yours then?"

"Th-This can't be... it truly was here!" Rian insisted. He gasped. "Don't tell me...!! That man made off with it...!?"


{Corridor, First-Class Cabins...}

Sebastian was hurrying down the corridor with Ciel, accompanied by Lacey.

"So what do you know of this incident?" Ciel asked Lacey.

"What makes you think I know anything more than you do?" Lacey asked him.

"You're a Reaper, and you're from the future," Ciel pointed out.

"A different future. Zombies and stuff like this are pure fiction where me and Chêne are from. I only know what they told me, which was just enough to protect Chêne. They did give me a copy of this world's death list for tonight so I'd know what was happening when as far as the ship's concern—" Someone stepped out into their path.

"You're—!!" Ciel said as a familiar face turned to look at them. "The Viscount of Druitt...!?" There he stood, holding a glass of wine.

"Who?" Lacey asked. What was with the wine glass?

"Nn? And who are you?" he asked them as a strange contraption was carried out by other men behind him. "How do you know who I am?" Ciel and Sebastian froze and gulped. Did they just blow their cover? "Well, I suppose it is indeed difficult not to know of me, as I'm celebrated in society circles for being the personification of beauty." He ran a hand through his sparkling luscious locks. A laugh escaped Lacey that she quickly turned into a cough. She was really tempted to tell him she had no clue who he was, just to see the look on his face.

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