That Butler, Commendable

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"Haah!" Ciel gasped, breathing heavily as he leaned forward against the wall of his bedroom. "Se—Sebastian..." he moaned.


"Now, please place your hands on the wall, and... relax your muscles a bit further," Sebastian instructed Ciel as he loomed over his young master from behind.

"I can't—! Take it anymore!" Ciel groaned anxiously as he panted, sweat dripping down his fair skin from the effort of enduring the sharp pain he was feeling.


"Chêne—! Make him stop!!" Ciel moaned.

"J-Just calm down, Ciel... I-It'll only hurt more if you f-fight him..." Chêne said, shaking slightly as she watched. Sebastian had already... finished with her. Ciel clenched his fists in frustration.


"... No! It hurts—!" Ciel cried.

"Do bear with it a little longer, Sir. You will find your body becoming accustomed to it soon," Sebastian said solemnly as he stared down at his master's small back. "Look at Chêne... she was unwilling at first, because of the pain, but now..."

"Ah! Coming—" Ciel moaned, his face flushing as he clenched his fists, bracing himself. "They're coming out! My guts are on the verge... of coming out of my body, I say!!" Ciel shouted, vein mark throbbing on his forehead.

"No lady has yet had her innards squeezed out... by a corset!" Sebastian said as he yanked the laces on Ciel's corset even tighter.


"I thought Chêne was difficult before, but compared to you, she is much less of a whiner," Sebastian remarked.

"T-That's right, Ciel... You're just going to have to suck it up...! Now you know why I worked so hard to figure out how to make my own bras, instead of just wearing corsets all the time!" Chêne said, shaking as she tried to suppress her laughter. It kind of hurt to laugh since Sebastian had already helped her into her own corset. Sebastian had insisted she wear one too, since apparently it was 'obvious' when a woman wasn't wearing one... probably because she could actually breathe. Still, Chêne never thought she'd see the day Ciel dressed in drag...


Ciel awoke with a start.

'A dream, huh...' Ciel said, panting. Not only did he have that stupid nightmare that made him relive that mortifying experience, but also Ciel discovered that he had been tied up. "!" Ciel said, straining against his bonds. He realized he couldn't see either. 'It's dark... no, a blindfold? I've been restrained somehow...' Ciel thought. "Tch!" He clicked his tongue in irritation. 'As if the corset bondage wasn't enough, now I've been bound further, eh...?' he thought. Ugh, it made him sick just remembering how Madam red had fussed about how he had no 'wasp waist' and how it was a must for any woman—He was a boy, for crying out loud! Of course he wouldn't have one! Then they had the nerve to compare him to Chêne, saying how she had a 'surprisingly sexy' hourglass figure, even without a corset—saying how he should hurry up and catch up to his 'big sister.' Chêne hadn't found the situation so amusing then, and she had blushed cherry red from head to toe out of shyness. The others all had a good laugh at that. 'Just because it's not their problem...' Ciel thought, fed up with how annoying everyone had been. Chêne had at least tried to hold back her laughter. Sebastian had obviously enjoyed their suffering way too much. 'Anyway, where am I?' he wondered, glancing around despite his blindfold. He could hear a low humming sound. "...?" Ciel said curiously. 'The sound of people conversing?' he thought.


"Quiet please, everyone... Next, I present to you the featured item for which everyone has been waiting," Viscount Druitt announced.

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