That Butler, Knifehand

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What are
little girls made of?
'Sugar and spice,
and all that's nice;
and that's what little
girls are made of'.

Elizabeth was seated at a table with Madam Red and two other little girls. They were having a small tea party outside.

"A lady..." Madam Red said, holding up a finger and closing one eye. "... Should always be delicate and lovely before a gentleman... an innocent girl first and foremost. Her job is to be surrounded by all things nice like Mother Goose's nursery rhyme says and keep smiling." She looked over and saw her sister and her husband with Ciel in another part of the garden. Her expression held a touch of melancholy as she watched them. "So... stay like that for as long as you possibly can," she told Lizzie gently.

"I will!" Lizzie said brightly.

Poetry over philosophy.
Embroidery over cooking.
Dancing over chess.
Be an angel who knows nothing.
That's how girls born into a nation of roses are raised.

I was just like that too.

"Elizabeth," Francis called, coming to collect her. "It is time."

But—I stood apart from other girls in one respect.

A younger 'Double Charles' were watching an impressive fencing match.

"So that is the son of the Marquess of Midford, who is rumored to be a genius with swords," Phipps said.

"Hunh? What are you saying, Phipps?" Grey said, furrowing his brow slightly.

"Touché!!" the referee announced, ending the match.

"The genius is the daughter," Grey said as Elizabeth removed her fencing mask. Phipps regarded her thoughtfully while the rest of the audience that had gathered cheered. But it didn't make Lizzie happy.

What I danced at various halls was not the waltz.

"Waah!!" Ciel cried as he fell backwards and hit the floor.

"Your advance is weak, Ciel!!" Francis scolded him. She sighed. "But very well. That's enough for today."

"Ugggh... She was scary..." Ciel said as she left the room.

"Mother's very strict!" Lizzie said, offering him a towel to wipe his sweat.

"Aunt Francis is a beautiful lady, but... if my wife was that strong... I think I would be frightened of her," Ciel said, making Lizzie pale. "I'm so glad it's you who'll be my bride, Lizzie!" he told her with a relieved smile.

My dear, adorable fiance, younger than me by a year. That's when I made a vow. I would become a bride Ciel could protect.

"No!! No! I said, no!" Lizzie cried.


"You are a girl who is to marry into the house of Phantomhive," Francis said strictly. "You will not be allowed to neglect your training!"

"I won't practice fencing anymore!" Lizzie cried, holding her sore cheek. "Swords aren't cute at all!!" Francis kneeled down and hugged her.

"Even if you do find it trying, it's for your sake, and his..." Francis said gently. "You understand, don't you?" Lizzie's teary eyes widened slightly, then she closed them, accepting her mother's words.

But that day...

Lizzie held a lovely handkerchief embroidered with a C in a circle of small flowers, getting ready to wrap it in a box with a ribbon.

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