That Butler, Very Skilled 4

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{In The Manor's Salon With the Others...}

"You see, I think Ciel looks best in blue!" Lizzie chatted away as Mei-Rin put the finishing touches on her outfit. "When I was out shopping in London today, I fell in love at first sight with the clothes I bought for him. Oh, I know!" Lizzie turned to Mei-Rin. "Why don't you attend the party too? I'll make you cute! Let's take off your glasses first," Mei-Rin struggled to hold her glasses on her face as Lizzie tried to remove them.

"B-But, um... I-I am terribly farsighted, Miss. If I don't have these, I can't see a thing!" Mei-Rin said, panicking.

"If you can see far away, that'll do just fine!" Lizzie said cheerfully.

"That's enough," Ciel said assertively as he made a grand entrance into the Salon, followed by Sebastian, who was carrying his new walking stick, and Chêne. Lizzie immediately turned all of her attention on him. Mei-Rin had managed to escape Lizzie's clutches without a makeover once again.

"Ciel~!" Lizzie said excitedly as she ran to him. She grabbed Ciel's hands and used the momentum to swing the young earl around. He looked a little green around the gills, like he was riding the teacup ride at an amusement park, and the other person was a weight lifting champion on steroids that was spinning their cup at inhuman speeds. "You're sooo Cuuute! My eyes didn't deceive me! Lizzie said. She abruptly stopped spinning Ciel around. Chêne grabbed the dazed and dizzy Ciel when he stumbled and rubbed his back soothingly to try to help him recover from his motion sickness. "Look, look! Everyone's turned cute!" Lizzie said excitedly as she motioned for Ciel to look at his three other male servants. They were all dressed in drag now. Tanaka was a Japanese noblewoman; Finni was a black-eared cat-maid, and Bard was dressed in a high school girl's sailor uniform and a horrible wig. Bard looked ill, while Finni only looked slightly put out. Tanaka was all zen, calm and peaceful. Bard grabbed Chêne.

"How dare you escape all by yourself!" Bard whispered rather loudly while Lizzie continued to chatter away about what was cute and why. Chêne rolled her eyes.

"In case you haven't noticed, I didn't escape. My dignity has been shredded too by this fluffy nightmare she put me in," Chêne whispered back more quietly. Bard seemed to forgive her after he took in the whole effect of her outfit. "Ya' know, that dress makes you look even—"

"Don't say it," Chêne said darkly, glaring slightly at Bard.

"But Ciel is definitely cutest of a—What's this?" Lizzie asked when she saw the family ring still on Ciel's finger. Lizzie grabbed Ciel's hand and loomed over him, emitting a dark aura as she interrogated Ciel. "Ciel! Where is the ring I got you!? The cute one that matched your clothes?" Ciel sweat dropped.

"Huh? What ring?" Ciel said as he snatched his hand back. "This ring is just fine." Lizzie did not look like she was going to accept that.

"The gemstone in this ring is a deep-blue like the outfit, so it matches, doesn't it? It'll be fine like this," Chêne said, trying to placate Lizzie. It failed.

"I think not!" Lizzie yelled aggressively, a vein popping on her forehead. "I've made you all cute, but that ring isn't cute at all!" Lizzie suddenly burst into tears. "So you don't want to wear the one I bought, Ciel! You're sooo Meaaan! Waaah!" Chêne actually liked Lizzie, but these tantrums made her want to smack some sense into the girl sometimes. It was just a ring, for crying out loud.

"That's not it," Ciel sighed. He did not want to hurt Lizzie's feelings, but he couldn't not wear the family ring. "This ring is..." Lizzie's eyes glinted, scheming, as she snatched the ring right off Ciel's thumb.

"There~!" Lizzie shouted with glee. Ciel's eyes widened.

"L—!" Ciel yelled.

"Got iiiit~!" Lizzie cheered. "See, this ring is much to big for you! The one I chose is just the right size—"

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