That Butler, In Vain

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"!!?" Chêne gasped as she bolted upright on the chaise lounge in Ciel's stateroom. She covered her mouth and rushed to the toilet. The closet they called a room that she and Sebastian had in there was simply too suffocating when she was already feeling so miserable. "Ugh..." she groaned, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She stood up and washed her hands in the sink. Her dream had been fuzzy (probably because she was feeling so unwell), but certain elements had stood out. "That was some weird dream I had... Zombies on a cruise ship and an iceberg... That might actually make a cool movie..." She groaned again. On top of feeling a little dizzy and generally unwell, she had a headache again. "Maybe some fresh air will help...?" She pulled on a coat over her maid uniform and headed for the door. She never once suspected that the first half of her dream could be true.


'Chêne...!' Sebastian thought, eyes widening. If what Rian said was true, she could be in danger! "This is not good, Young Master."

" 'Not good' doesn't even begin to cover it!!" Ciel snapped. "One of those monsters is bad enough. And you're telling me... there are still... ten times as many as this!?" he said incredulously, looking at the rows and rows and rows of coffins they had stored in the stern.


"Well... I guess that's a little better..." Chêne said glumly, leaning on the railing. "Hm?" There was a suddenly a terrible stench in the air. "What...?" Something brushed against her. She turned to see what it was and saw a man wearing a blindfold who was missing a nose and several fingers. Wounds that weren't bleeding, slow shuffling, and a smell like something dead... Chêne couldn't believe it. A real, honest-to-goodness zombie. And there were more coming up behind it. The first zombie tried to bite her, but she quickly grabbed the railing to brace herself and kicked as hard as she could, sending it reeling back into the others, knocking two of them over. Unarmed, Chêne ran with all her might, keeping an eye out for something she could use, like an emergency fire axe or something, but she didn't get far. She skidded to a halt when she found herself facing another group of Zombies, she turned to run in a different direction, but there were zombies there too. She tried to run back the way she came, but there were more zombies. Chêne backed up against the railing, wondering how far down it was to the next deck.

"Help!!" she called out. "Help!!" She only heard screams in the distance in response. 'Sebastian...!' she thought anxiously, gripping the railing.

"Get down!!" a familiar voice yelled. Chêne looked up in the direction of the voice. Her eyes widened in shock. There, on the roof of the gymnasium, was a young woman dressed head to tow in purple and black widow's weeds with her veil pulled back to reveal platinum blonde hair and purple eyes. It was a face she knew very well. Chêne's jaw dropped.

"Lacey?!" Chêne exclaimed, not believing her eyes or ears. Lacey's skirt billowed in the wind. She was holding what appeared to be a gas-powered pole saw and wearing a mischievous grin.

"You got it!!" Lacey shouted, jumping down. She gripped her pole saw tightly in her hands and prepared to swing. Chêne immediately ducked, and was super glad she did. Lacey's grin was a little maniacal, and that meant no holding back on her part. Chêne saw black and purple boots land next to her before a black skirt settled over them and heard a sound similar to a chainsaw.


She covered her head and face as blood splattered everywhere. Bodies hit the floor, and she saw that the top halves of their heads had been sawed off.


More bodies hit the floor, also missing the top halves of their heads. Chêne counted them. It appeared all the zombies closing in on her had been taken out in two fell sweeps.

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