That Butler, Retaliatory 2

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{One brutal beating that is too violent to describe in a T-rated story later...}

"... Whew," Sebastian said, wiping his brow with the back of his hand, smiling radiantly. His wound had healed completely while he was beating Grell to a bloody pulp, and he had managed to work off a lot of pent up stress. He was feeling quite refreshed now.

"Ah... Ahwon't hurrget diiish... Guh-fuh!!" Grell groaned miserably as he coughed up blood. He was black and blue all over, and his glasses were broken. Grell's face was already starting to swell up to the point where he almost unrecognizable. Sebastian had mercilessly kicked the crap out of him—especially in the Reaper's 'precious' face. Chêne was amazed that Grell was still alive...

"Oh...? I should expect no less from a Reaper. A physical assault cannot kill you," Sebastian said, smirking slightly as he walked away from Grell, towards the Reaper's jammed Scythe. Grell whimpered painfully. "But... What if I was to use this?" Sebastian asked, smirking evilly at him, as he picked up the Death Scythe and pointed it at its owner.

"...!?" Grell yelped, turning blue with shock.

"Since the Death Scythe can make mincemeat out of anything... it follows that I would be able to make mincemeat out of you as well, no?" Sebastian said as he effortlessly yanked his wool coat free from where it had been enmeshed deep in the Scythe's gears. How the hell had he done that!? Grell trembled in fear.

"Wh-What are you think—!" he cried, terrified as he tried to crawl away from the approaching demon. "Hold it...! Gyah!" Grell screamed as Sebastian stomped on his face.


Chêne winced when she heard the cracking of Grell's skull under Sebastian's heel as the demon repeatedly kicked the reaper.

"I do not enjoy being stepped on... but being the one doing the stepping is another story altogether. Fu-fu!" Sebastian said, laughing lightly and smiling 'innocently' as he attempted to crush Grell's skull.

"Ow d'oww...! Owwww!!" Grell wailed. His miserable screams of pain echoed throughout the night. "Ouuuurrch!!" It was amazing that no one in the area had come to see what was causing the big commotion yet... or maybe they had just decided it wasn't worth the risk...

"Your wails have a rather tuneful ring to them," Sebastian told Grell as he continued to stomp on his face.

"Sebas... A—Gyaaaaaaah!" Grell screamed in agony.

"As a reward... I shall send you to the next life... with the help of your favorite toy," Sebastian said, smirking evilly. His red eyes glowed demonically as the deadly Scythe gleamed in the moonlight, and it roared back to life once again in Sebastian's hands.

'Oh God... I fell in love with a super sadist...' Chêne thought, grimacing. This did not bode well for her future. Sebastian was starting to scare her a little...

"No! Stop!! Plea—!" Grell begged desperately. "Please, Sebas-chan... Stoooop!"

"I think not," Sebastian said, smiling brightly. There were roses in the background. Sebastian raised the Scythe above his head with a wicked smirk on his face and a murderous gleam in his eyes.

"S... St... Stoooooop!!" Grell screamed as Chêne covered her eyes, and Ciel watched emotionlessly as Sebastian swung the Scythe down at Grell.

"W-Wai—" Chêne cried nervously. Grell might be a serial killing tranny, but he was still a divine being, right...? Wouldn't they be in big trouble for taking him out!? Not to mention that this would pretty much make her an accessory to murder for just watching.


"!?" Sebastian said, surprised when a strange metal pole suddenly shot out in front of him, blocking Grell's Death Scythe. A Death Scythe was supposed to cut through anything, and yet Sebastian found that he could not cut this strange pole at all. Chêne stared at it, stunned. She realized that the end of the pole had clippers on it... It was a 'long reach cut 'n hold bypass pruner'!?

'That's friggin' long!!' Chêne thought, turning blue with shock. The thing was reaching all the way from the ground, up to the rooftop where Grell and Sebastian had fought. Sebastian, Ciel, Chêne, and Grell all stared up at the roof, where Grell's mysterious savior stood, illuminated by the light of the moon.

"Ah...!" Grell said, surprised when he saw who it was. It was a dark-haired man, who had lime green eyes, just like Grell. He too had glasses, but his were a more masculine and no-nonsense style. He was wearing a black suit. To Chêne, he looked like he could've been a member of MIB... one with a stick up his ass, since the man was frowning as he looked down on them... although... they were pretty much mercilessly bullying someone...

"!?" Ciel said.

"Please pardon the interruption," the mysterious man said.


The super-duper long reach pruner contracted back to its original size—the normal length for the actual gardening tool.

"I am William T. Spears from the management division of the Grim Reaper Dispatch. I have come to claim that Reaper," Mystery man said. He jumped off the roof.

"Will! William!" Grell cried hopefully as tears of relief fell from in his eyes. "You came to rescue..."


"... Meeee..." Grell groaned miserably when William landed right on top of his head, slamming Grell's face into the ground. William had landed with so much force, that Grell's face had formed a small crater in the street when it slammed into it... That had to hurt.

"Dispatch member Grell Sutcliff. You are guilty of having violated our ordinances," William said sternly as he opened a large book, preparing to read Grell his rights.

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