A Quick Note

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Hey! Sorry to do this since I usually don't like interrupting a story with notes on this site, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this story was originally written over seven years ago (c. June 17, 2011), so anyone who's up to date on the manga will probably notice some major errors in this backstory I've set up. Sorry about that! (^_^;)

I will probably come back later and change it to fit the canon setup better (or maybe I'll just finally veer off to make up my own storyline and BS reason to justify it), but for now I'll just post what I have because someone copied this story on another site without permission, and it really lit a fire under me so now I just feel the need to compensate by re-posting it on here, too. This isn't the first time someone has tried to pull this with this particular story, but it's especially annoying because the culprit keeps leaving little author's notes at the bottom of the chapters with comments that make it sound like the story was completely her own work, when again, she's using 90% of my wording, right down to the grammatical errors, and a good chunk of my OC's personality to do it. There is literally a spot in one chapter where they missed replacing her name with their character's because it was misspelled as "Chen". (I am going to try to correct these grammar and spelling errors as I reload it here, though.)

Again, sorry I keep ranting about this, but Chene and "That Butler, New Face" were one of the first OCs and first stories that I created after discovering fanfiction, so they're very near and dear to me, despite whatever flaws they may have. I've even made artwork for them already, which I've used for the cover and also will probably be appearing in later chapters.

Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: Okay, so the person I mentioned before and I have come to an agreement, so everything is cool between us now. I'll still keep posting chapters on here, though. Thank you, Lumina!

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