That Butler, Competition 4

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"Her Majestyyyy!?" everyone cried in shock, immediately recognizing her, once they could see her whole face. The mighty cries of surprise and shock shook the entire Crystal Palace. Chêne smiled wryly as she sweat-dropped. She'd know the queen anywhere—not just because she was a maid of the Queen's Watchdog—but also because Victoria really was a dead-ringer for her Grandma Willow, especially when she smiled like that...

[Victoria, Queen of Great Britain.
The ruler who has established the most illustrious era in British history.
Not only is she responsible for expanding through her political prowess Great Britain's international colonial reach, and to such an extent that it has been dubbed 'The country upon which the sun never sets'... She also sets the trends for everything from fashion to social functions and popular dances, and boasts the unconditional favor of her people.
She still deeply loves her late husband, Prince Albert.]

Chêne wondered where the narration was coming from, until she glanced down at the ground... where the Indiana Jones wannabe was lying face down on the ground with one of Her Majesty's horse's hooves firmly planted on the back of his head. It was him...

"By the by, there are rumors that the titular character of the hugely popular programme 'The Wild Earl' is modeled after Her Majesty herself," the boy added weakly. Chêne sweat-dropped. It was amazing he was still able to talk, much less live after receiving such a powerful blow to the head.

"I beg your pardon, your Majesty... but I think you stepped on something—or rather, someone," Chêne said awkwardly.

"Oh my, is that so?" Victoria asked innocently as she glanced down at the boy.

"Are you all right...?" Ciel asked him, sweat-dropping.

"To get back to the matter at hand..." the strange boy said a little more steadily as he suddenly sat up, the horse's hoof still on his head, acting as though everything were perfectly fine. "... I believe Her Majesty has something to say," he stated calmly.

"Thank you, John," Victoria said, smiling as he helped her dismount. "This curry competition was capital. The aroma that filled this venue reminded me of the curry I once ate with dear Albert on the Isle of Wight..." she said wistfully as she opened a pocket watch and stared longingly at the photo of her deceased husband that she kept inside of it.

"Alberrrrrrrt!!" Victoria wailed mournfully as she suddenly collapsed onto the ground, holding her face as she cried. "Would that I could have eaten this curry with you as wellllll!"

"Your Majesty, please pull yourself together," John said as he knelt down beside her and pulled out a little Prince Albert hand puppet. Everyone was taken aback by their queen's eccentric behavior, and they all turned blue with shock as the sweated nervously and murmured amongst themselves. Ciel sweat-dropped. Great, now everyone's image of Victoria as a regal and dignified queen had probably just been shattered beyond repair...

"Victoria, cheer up. It is I, Albert," John deadpanned in a stiff, wooden voice as he waved the puppet's arms. Chêne sweat-dropped. Was he acting that bad on purpose...?

"Alberrrt. You are here, aren't yoooou!?" Victoria cried hopefully.

"The Queen is quite a character, hm?" Lau asked, smiling as he tried not to laugh inappropriately at the ruler of his host country.

"Hold your tongue," Ciel said sternly as he sweat-dropped. Poor Ciel looked like he had been drained of all of his energy just thinking about all the damage control that would need to be done to improve Victoria's reputation again... "This is why I implored her not to come here," he said dejectedly.

"Don't worry, Ciel. She'll grow out of it. I heard my Grandma Willow was like this when she was the queen's age, and her husband passed away, but she eventually grew out of it," Chêne said reassuringly. Ciel stared at her.

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