That Butler, Activated 5

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"Based on our earlier conversation, we can now simplify our list of suspects," Ciel said as they all rode away from the undertaker's in his carriage. Except for Grell, he was driving.

"Yes, quite... first, we have... 'someone well-versed in medical science and anatomy,' Among them, 'someone with no alibi on the nights of the murders,' and as the perpetrator has absconded with the uterus of each victim, 'someone involved with a secret society or cult of black magic' is also a possibility," Sebastian said thoughtfully.

"Hm... but they might not necessarily be killing them specifically to harvest their uteruses for future use... The victims were prostitutes. They're ideal victims, since the public looks down on them. And, unfortunately, most people probably wouldn't give a dead hooker a second glance, but because of what these women were, it's possible that it's simply a hate crime. A womb is a symbol of womanhood, so maybe the killer is saying that they aren't fit to be women...?" Chêne said.

"Oh? You looked pretty squeamish earlier, but you're actually quite capable of saying the most horrific things rather calmly," Lau said. Chêne's eyebrow twitched.

"I don't want to hear that from you, of all people..." Chêne muttered. "Being squeamish won't help catch the killer, will it? We can't do anything for the women who've already become victims, but the sooner we catch this creep, the more people we can save," she pointed out.

"Wait... you call this 'simplified'? Just how many people do you think gather in London during the Season!?" Madam Red said. "Not only must you consider the doctors of London, but also the family physicians that aristocrats have brought here from the countryside. Furthermore, medical school graduates who never became doctors, like Chêne. Not to mention Orientals like Lau who are skilled in the use of needles and are familiar with human anatomy..."

"Ah, hold on, Madam Red. I never went to medical school," Chêne said, holding up her hand in a 'stop' motion.

"Eh? Then how do you know such much about medicine and anatomy? You are much more knowledgeable than the average citizen, so I had always just assumed you were a medical student before you became Ciel's maid," Madam Red said, surprised.

"No, I'm actually an artist... but my mother was a nurse, and she taught me a few things since I was always getting hurt. However, despite my school being an ordinary one, I'll admit that it made sure we were all well versed in biology, and we even dissected a pig because of how their anatomy, particularly their hearts, resembles ours... but we only examined the heart and lungs. Even if I know a lot about anatomy in theory, that was the only time I ever actually did any form of 'cutting' on another being. I know how to stitch cuts up, but I can't make them with that kind of precision," Chêne explained, smiling wryly and sweat-dropping.

"I see..." Madam Red said, impressed that Chêne could be such an able nurse to Ciel when she had no real training. "At any rate, the Season will be over in less than a week, and the family physicians will return to the countryside—"

"Then we need only investigate before the season ends," Sebastian said, smirking.

"Come again...?" Lau said.

"We need only pay a call to each individual and verify his alibi prior to the season coming to a close," Sebastian said matter-of-factly.

"Verify their alibis!? Even though we don't know their exact numbers yet!?" Madam Red said incredulously. It was simply inconceivable.

"Please leave it to me," Sebastian said, smirking. Ciel glanced at the demon butler. "I am the butler of the Phantomhive family. It goes without saying that I can manage something as trivial as this," he said confidently. Chêne sweat-dropped. Just what part about interviewing  hundreds of people was 'trivial'...? Still, Chêne had to suppress her blush. Why did he have to look so damned handsome all the time!? Madam Red and Lau looked stunned. Ciel had a smug look on his face. "I shall make a list of suspects and call on each of them immediately," Sebastian told Ciel, bowing slightly.

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