That Butler, Onstage 2

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"This must be it." Ciel said as the three of them walked up to a colorful entranceway that had been set up on a previously empty lot.

"The sign says 'Noah's Ark' (just like the tickets) so that's a pretty safe bet," Chêne agreed, smiling wryly, as they passed through the entrance. Since her maid uniform would stick out like a sore thumb in this crowd, she had opted to wear one of her pretty winter day dresses. "Uwah~!" she gasped excitedly, lighting up like a kid in a candy store, when she saw all the classic circus/carnival game and food booths they had set up and the awesome costumes of the employees. "Awesome~! Hey, Ciel, Ciel~! Can we play some games while we're here!?" she asked excitedly, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"We're not here to play!" Ciel chided her, sweat dropping. Which one of them was supposed to be the adult again?

"Eh? But it's been so long since I've been able to play these games! I used to be able to have fun like this every year at my church's parish fair, but now..." Chêne protested, pouting slightly.

"Yes, what a shame. Perhaps we will have time to comeback once we've seen the show," Sebastian suggested, smiling indulgently at her, as he took her hand and led her into the big-top tent. Chêne was rather adorable when she was acting so whimsical. It still amazed him how she could retain such an innocent sense of wonder despite everything she'd been through.

"At any rate, by sight... it seems like an ordinary circus..." Ciel said, getting them back on track as they took their seats in the big-top. If the children were indeed still at the circus, they might be using them in the acts.

"Oh, it's starting..." Chêne said excitedly when the lights dimmed.


The spotlight illuminated one lone, colorfully dressed man in the center of the ring.

"Ladies! And! Gentlemennnn!" he shouted dramatically, greeting the audience. "Boys! And! Giiirls!" Chêne's eyes widened slightly in surprise when she noticed something about the man's right hand... it was skeletal. Lacey definitely would've loved this guy. "On this fine day, we welcome ye to the Noah's Ark Circus." The man continued, giving a small bow as he pulled out some colorful balls and started juggling them skillfully. "I am Joker. If ye'll just take a gander o'er he––D'ow!" he said comically as he let the balls drop and bounce off of his head. The audience laughed at his silly antics. "Ahem! This circus, 'tis packed full of acts to entertain and astound ye!" Joker announced jovially as other members of the troupe came out to join him, striking a pose. "Now, now... with a spectacular blast from our fire-eater... Let the show of the century begiiiin!"


The audience ooed and ahhed as a tall, muscular man held up a torch and blew, breathing fire as though he were part dragon.

"Next we have a flying trapeze act, with a duo in perfect sync," Joker said, introducing a mischievous pair of a small boy and a small girl. The audience (including Chêne) cheered and clapped excitedly as the small acrobats proceeded to perform of series of death-defying acts while flying through the air.


A dagger flew threw the air and pierced the apple that had been placed atop the head of the knife thrower's lovely assistant, like a William Tell act, but with knives.

"And never missing a target... the knife thrower with a perfect record!" Joker exclaimed as the crowd gasped in amazement when the knife thrower continued to throw his daggers, outlining the girl's figure with them.

"There's nothing particularly special about the program..." Ciel said thoughtfully as he calmly watched the amazing feats.

"How can you say that after seeing such amazing stuff?" Chêne asked, sweat dropping. "A lot of these performers are almost as skilled as Sebastian! Do you realize how amazing that is for a normal human?" she chided him. "The fact that they're making it look so easy makes it all the more impressive."

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