That Butler, Birthday

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{The next morning, at the local Waffle House...}

"I still can't believe you actually beat me..." Lacey grumbled moodily at Ciel. Ciel smirked. Once he figured out that Chêne's hint had meant that he should quickly push one apple all the way to the bottom of a tub, and bite it before it floated back up again, it had been a piece of cake.

"You're still upset about that? But anyway, you both really suck at bobbing for apples. You had to take a break and then continue after supper before Ciel even got one..." Laurie said, sweat-dropping.

"Yes, it appears your apple bobbing skills are just as magnificent as your talent for dancing. It warms the hearts of all who behold it," Sebastian said, giving him a shit-eating grin.

"You mean to say, 'it warms their hearts' because they're laughing at me, aren't you? I do not want to hear that from someone who didn't even try..." Ciel muttered, vein mark throbbing on his head.

"Good mornin'~! Can I get you folks anything?" Their waitress asked as she walked to them, wearing a perky smile on her face. Her nametag read Darlene.

"'Morning... I'll have coffee and the All-star Breakfast with scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, and the country ham," Cpt. LeBeau said groggily. He was not a morning person.

"I'll have the same, but I want my eggs sunny-side up," Pomona said, smiling brightly.

"I'll have a blueberry waffle and orange juice," Lacey said.

"I want a chocolate chip waffle and chocolate milk," Laurie said groggily. She wasn't exactly a morning person either.

"You can have the milk, but pick a healthier waffle. You're going to be getting enough sugar later tonight," Pomona told her. Laurie rolled her  eyes at her mother.

"Fine. I'll have a plain waffle then," Laurie said, disgruntled.

"I'll have decaf coffee and the scattered hashbrowns, 'all the way,'" Chêne said, smiling politely at the woman. She had enough natural energy already without the help of caffeine.

"I shall have a pecan waffle and hot tea," Ciel said. He had learned the other day that you had to specifically order it hot, or they would automatically assume you meant 'iced tea.' Personally, Ciel thought it was sacrilege to do such a thing to tea, but since the climate was much warmer here than in England, he could see why they have a might preference for cold drinks.

"I shall just have a cup of coffee," Sebastian said, smiling politely. The woman's face lit up when she heard their accents.

"Oh my, are y'all tourists from England? I just love your accents~! Brits always sound so sophisticated! I hope y'all have been enjoying your stay here?" Darlene said excitedly. Ciel and Sebastian sweat-dropped. Why did Americans seem to have such an obsession with accents...?

"Yes, it has been quite... interesting, thank you," Sebastian said politely.

"Anytime, Dawlin'~! I'll be right back with your drinks~!" she told them, smiling brightly.


"So, what's the plan for today, Dad?" Chêne asked once Cpt. LeBeau had had a few sips of his coffee.

"Well, as you already know, we're going to the Southshore... whatever you guys want to do after that is up to you, but I thought you might want to go to The Mortuary, so I ordered the five of you tickets online. They're printed out and in my wallet, at the moment," he told them.

All three of the girls' faces lit up at that.

"Awesome~!" Laurie cheered excitedly.

"You rock, Dad!" Chêne told him as she and Laurie hugged him.

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