That butler, Maturing

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∞—Sebastian's Cinematic Record—∞

"Eek!" one man from the cult cried.

"Kyaah!" screamed a woman.

"I-It's really come!!" said another man.


"Grant me eternal life and wealth!" another said.


The demon's eyes fell on a terrified girl with brown hair and green eyes.


There was a frightened child in a cage.

"—Oh?" the demon said.

This is the one.

"You have made a great sacrifice. You are free to decide whether to make a covenant with me and have your wishes granted or not," the demon told the boy. "The fee for crossing has already been well paid." The demon licked its lips.

"I—I...." the boy said, gripping the bars of his cage tightly. "... I want... I want power..."

"Eep...!? Someone shut him up!" one of the cult members said.

"Power to take vengeance upon those who put us through all this!!" the boy said. "Devil!" he shouted with tears streaming down his face. "I'll make a covenant with you!!"

"So you will cast off the light and choose the road to hell... fine," the demon said. "Then let us carve the mark of the covenant onto our bodies. The more conspicuous its location, the greater the power you will be able to wield. Now where do—"

"Anywhere will do!" the boy shouted, reaching out through the bars.

"W-Wait!!" girl with green eyes spoke up despite her fear. "Do—"

"I want more power than anyone else!!" the boy declared, ignoring her. The demon reached out and touched the boy's face, near his right eye.

"Your small frame belies your immense greed," the demon said. "Well, then!" he placed his hand on the boy's head, over his eye. Crimson eyes glowed. "The mark shall reside on that great big eye of yours, which reflects a hopeless world!"

"UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" the boy screamed as the mark was applied.


The boy, the girl, and the demon, transformed into a butler, stood outside, staring at the burning building where the cult had held their ritual. Ciel had insisted on seeing it one last time. Ciel's wounds had been treated, and both he and Chêne were more or less fully clothed again. The demon's eyes fell on the two humans.

He wished three things of me. To protect him without betrayal until his revenge came to fruition. To obey his commands without question. And to never tell lies. For a butler to an earl to execute these tasks smartly will be no easy feat, I daresay. But the girl, Chêne... she puzzles me. Why did he save her...? Why go through the trouble for her?

"Those who attempted to ruin the Phantomhive house are somewhere out there," Ciel said, holding a ring with a blue stone in his bloody hand. "Aunt Francis told me... that the best chance to counterattack is when the opponent makes the first move. The previous earl lost the game. This time... I won't lose. As the present head of the Phantomhive family... as Ciel Phantomhive... I will absolutely not lose!" he said with grim determination.

"Heh heh!" the demon laughed. Ciel and Chêne looked at him. There was still a little fear in the girl's eyes, but the boy looked at him with contempt.

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