That Butler, Competition

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"Wh-What can I do to help?" Soma asked, hoping he wouldn't have to suffer too much...

"Nothing," Sebastian said bluntly, causing soma to stare at him blankly, stunned, as an idiot hair popped out on the prince's head. Ciel and Chêne sweat-dropped. Just when Soma was finally making an effort to be useful... "Now that I have successfully created a 'divine' curry of my own, I will no longer need Prince Soma's assistance, however... I would appreciate Chêne's continued assistance as my taste tester, as she is the one who gave me the idea in the first place," Sebastian said, giving her and Ciel a brilliant shit-eating grin.

"Like I said... when did I give you this brilliant idea?" Chêne asked, sweat-dropping. "I mean, I'll help, but what am I helping you with...?"

"I don't care what you do with Chêne—you can boil her, fry her, or bake her—just be sure that you are the one doing all of the cooking," Ciel said. An idiot hair popped out on Chêne's head as she gaped at Ciel, shocked.

"Yes, my Lord," Sebastian said, smirking, as he bowed. "Come along, Chêne," Sebastian said, pulling the poor maid out of her chair before had a chance to recover from her shock.

"I-Is she going to be all right...?" Soma asked, sweat dropping. He wondered if he should start making preparations for the poor girl's funeral...

"My, the Earl really is such a bully~!" Lau said, smiling like a Cheshire cat. It's not like Chêne meant to spoil the boys fun by accidentally inspiring Sebastian...

"Shut up. She'll be fine," Ciel said, vein mark throbbing on his forehead. "... I think." Chêne had been in shock for quite some time now, she should have reacted by no—

"What the heck do you mean by 'you don't care what he does to me'!?" They suddenly heard Chêne shout incredulously at the top of her lungs from down the hall in a super delayed reaction to Ciel's words. "Are you trying to get me killed, Ciel! If you give him an inch, he'll take a mil—!?" Chêne was suddenly cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"..." Ciel, Lau, and Soma said as the three of them sat in silence for a moment. What on earth just happened to her...!?

"... Anyone fancy a game of chess?" Ciel asked.

"I'm game~!" Lau said, smiling.

"That's your reaction—!?" Soma yelled incredulously. Sebastian had just silenced Chêne in such a suspicious way, and they were going to just pretend it didn't happen!?


{The day of the curry contest—at the Crystal Palace}

"Uwaaah~!!" Finni said excitedly as they walked through magnificent cast-iron and plate-glass building. Chêne smiled as she looked around. The Crystal Palace was beautiful, like a large, elegant green house. It had been built to house the Great Exhibition of 1851, and was, at the moment, the largest amount of glass ever seen in a building. It astonished visitors with its clear walls and ceilings that didn't require interior lights, thus leading them to call it a 'Crystal Palace'. After the Great Exhibition, Victoria had it moved here, to its current location at Sydenham Hill. Chêne never would've thought she'd be able to see the real thing, since it had been destroyed by a fire in her world, but her she was... walking in the Crystal Palace with Ciel, Sebastian, Soma, and her other fellow servants. They were all gussied up in their casual clothes (except Sebastian, of course). Chêne was wearing the green dress and bonnet her mother had made her, and she was ready to have some fun and see some interesting exhibits from India!

"What is that great big creature~!?" Finni asked excitedly, pointing to the live elephant they had set up in a pen with an attendant to supervise its care and interaction with passersby.

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