That Butler, Trick or Treat 4

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{Meanwhile, at Target, with Chêne and Lacey...}

"... Let me get this straight..." Lacey said, staring at Chêne as she watched her friend flip through the boys shorts, looking for Ciel's approximate size. She figured she wouldn't need to get Ciel pajamas, since he hadn't actually had a chance to change out of his pajamas before they were spirited away by the armoire. "... You only let your mom think that you and Sebastian were an item because you don't want her to know that the real reason why you can't stay with us is because Sebastian is a demon, and he basically made you immortal, in order to keep you from dying, but in return you have to drink his blood, or you'll turn into a homicidal maniac...?" Lacey said, raising an eyebrow at Chêne. "You really outdid yourself this time, didn't you? What are you going to do next, ascend to godhood?" Chêne sweat-dropped.

"Don't jinx me, please. With the way my life's been going, anything is possible..." Chêne said, smiling wryly. "Besides, can you imagine me as a goddess? I mean 5'2" of weirdness isn't even good supermodel material, let alone goddess material."

"Yeah, having to listen to people whining about their wants and needs, and having to perform miracles all the time sounds like a pain in the ass too," Lacey said, smirking.

"True. I have my hands full just keeping up with Ciel and Sebastian... those guys are just as reckless as you, only Ciel is a danger magnet," Chêne said, laughing as she tossed Ciel's new outfits in with hers and Sebastian's. Chêne had decided to buy a ring to cover up the mark on her finger so that she wouldn't have to keep wearing gloves, and she had gotten a pair of black fingerless gloves for Sebastian, because they wouldn't look as strange as his white butler gloves would, and they would cover up both of his marks (her dad would not appreciate the pentacle on his hand). They could always just say that his nails were black because of fingernail polish, since that would be totally believable in this world. In fact, Chêne was a little surprised by how few people were actually starting at her and lacey, since she was still in her maid uniform... Well, it was the day before Halloween, so that probably helped.

"Heh! And you aren't?" Lacey asked, grinning.

"The kind of trouble I attract is usually just stuff that could win me an award from America's Funniest Home Videos... Ciel's trouble is more like in the Die Hard movies, where he's taken hostage every now and then, and Sebastian has to pull a few Bruce Willis stunts to save him, only he's a powerful demon, so it's more like a nuisance to him rather than a tense action film..." Chêne explained, sweat-dropping.

"I see your point... but I gotta say, if all demons are as hot as Sebastian, then maybe I should become a Satanist..." Lacey joked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Chêne.

"Please don't," Chêne said seriously. "I at least want to know you and family are safe. Getting mixed up with cults and demons isn't as glamorous as you'd think, okay?" Lacey pouted.

"Okay, fine. I'll stick to being Catholic... you happy?" Lacey asked her, smiling wryly.

"Very~!" Chêne said, smiling brightly at her sassy friend. "Let's go pay, and get back before my mom starts showing them the photo album that has that awkward baby picture of me butt-naked on a bearskin rug..." she said, sweat-dropping.


{12:00, military time—The LeBeau residence}

"Oh, I almost forgot~! I put all of Chêne's most embarra—I mean, cutest photos in this album," Pomona said, holding up a forest-green, leather photo album. "There's one of her naked on a bearskin rug~ She has the cutest little baby butt~!" Pomona said, smiling brightly as she started flipping through the album to find said picture. "Ah, here it is~! Look, Sebas—"

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