That Butler, Trick or Treat

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{October 30, 1888—Phantomhive Manor}

"S-Sebastian...!" Chêne gasped, blushing shyly, as the demon butler gently caressed her face.

"My, my... Do not tell me you are still feeling embarrassed after all this time, Chêne?" Sebastian said, smirking devilishly at her. His crimson eyes glowed slightly as he gazed down at Chêne's trembling form. "I could understand a little nervousness on your part if this were your first time, but it has already been a month or so since we... became one," Sebastian teased as he pulled Chêne closer to him on the bed.

"!" Chêne said as she blushed cherry red from head to toe. "D-Don't—Don't make it sound so dirty!! Who 'became one'...!? We're just blood bonded—not sleeping with each other!!" Chêne yelled, flustered. "And of course I'm embarrassed! Why do I have to sit on your lap whenever you give me your blood!? I'm not a little kid visiting Santa Claus!" Sebastian smirked. It was  so amusing whenever Chêne was embarrassed like this. She said the oddest things. It was October now, and it was yet again time for Sebastian to give Chêne her monthly 'blood donation' as she called it. They were in her room so that there would be no chance of anyone accidentally walking in on them, since Chêne had her own room as a part of the 'senior staff.' "And why are we sitting on the bed? I have a chair in here, you know," Chêne pointed out. Sebastian gave her a brilliant shit-eating grin.

"Because it is more 'interesting' this way," Sebastian said, smirking like a Cheshire cat. Chêne sweat-dropped. What the heck was that supposed to mean...? "But really, in all seriousness, you cannot reach my neck to drink my blood if I am not sitting, and you cannot get close enough to drink if you are on the other side of the room, either," Sebastian told her. Chêne sweat-dropped. He did have a point... but...

"But why does it have to be from your neck...? When you changed me, you bit your hand, and then fed your blood to me, didn't you?" Chêne said, skeptically. Sebastian gave her another blinding shit-eating grin.

"True, but I do not see why I should have to wound myself every time. Although my wounds heal almost instantly, I find no pleasure in self-mutilation, you know. However, if you sit on my lap, and drink my blood by yourself, like a good girl, then we can both benefit," Sebastian said, grinning. Chêne sweat-dropped and grimaced.

"You mean... I get 'dinner' and you get 'a show'...?" Chêne asked, frowning. Sebastian smirked at her in response. "Ugh... You enjoy harassing and embarrassing me way too much—You sadist!" Chêne muttered darkly. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before finally complying and positioning herself on Sebastian's lap. "L-Let's just get this over with..." Chêne mumbled shyly, blushing cherry red, as she reached up and wrapped her arms around Sebastian as she leaned closer to his neck. Her canine teeth elongated slightly into fangs.


Sebastian's demonic eyes glowed, and he smirked as he held Chêne to him, making sure that she was really drinking the full amount that she required, and that she was taking her medicine, like a good girl.


{The Phantomhive Downstairs, main kitchen}

"Mmmm~! The breakfasts Chêne makes us are always so yummy~!" Finni said happily as he spread more butter on the huge stack of pancakes Chêne had made for him. Finni and Chêne both had pretty big appetites for such skinny people. The others had three pancakes, since that was all they needed to be full. "I wonder where Chêne and Mister Sebastian went off to?" he said thoughtfully. Chêne usually ate with them, but for some reason, she had practically inhaled her breakfast before suddenly running off, and they hadn't even seen Sebastian yet that morning.

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