That Butler, Capricious 4

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"Once I have made my way into the closet, Sir... please listen to my assistant's instructions on how to secure it tightly with this chain," Sebastian told Lau as he handed him a long metal chain.

"Then, please employ these swords... to pierce the closet," Chêne said, smiling, as she stepped forward and displayed an array of swords. The audience began talking nervously and excitedly amongst themselves when they realized what a daring act they were about to witness. Lizzie gulped nervously.

"I shall return alive form its skewered recesses. There are no tricks involved," Sebastian said, smiling as he entered the cabinet. "I hope you all enjoy this unique illusion." Chêne closed the doors and helped Lau secure the chain around the cabinet.

"Sir, you may begin whenever ready," Chêne told Lau as she stepped aside to give Lau room.

"Ahem! Right, then here I go," Lau said, looking a little nervous as he took a sword.

'Good,' Chêne thought. 'He knows Sebastian's inside, so he's being cautio—!?'

Lau suddenly flipped into the air and slammed the sword directly through the center of the top of the cabinet, right where Sebastian's head should be. Chêne's jaw dropped as she and the rest of the audience turned blue with shock. One man's glasses even cracked because he was so freaked out.

'He aimed directly at the head first—!?' they all yelled internally.

"Haaaaah!!" Lau yelled as he continued to stab the swords into the cabinet, rapid fire. He was so fast, you could only see a Lau shaped blur as he moved. There was an intense gleam in his eye as Lau focused on turning the cabinet into a deadly pincushion. "Kaaaaah!! Haaaaaaah!!" Lau suddenly stopped when he ran out of swords, wiping his brow as he smiled brightly.

"I suppose that will do," Lau said calmly, smiling as though he hadn't just committed an outrageously violent act. Chêne sweat dropped. That was the understatement of the year. The cabinet was chock full of swords. There was barely any space left on the cabinet that hadn't been pierced with one.

'Maybe I shouldn't have 'borrowed' so many swords from the viscount's collection... even if Sebastian is a demon, being stabbed has got to hurt...!' Chêne thought guiltily. Well, this whole thing had been Sebastian's idea anyway...

"Well... what do you say? Is he still alive?" Chêne asked the audience, smiling wryly as she tugged on the chain, and it fell to the floor with a clang.


A few of the swords also fell from the cabinet as the doors slowly creaked open. The audience gulped nervously, wondering if they were about to see a miracle or a blood bath...

"Ta-daaa~!" Chêne said, smiling brightly when Sebastian emerged from the cabinet, completely unharmed, and smiling. She was so relieved that he was okay after all of that. The audience cheered enthusiastically.

"Wooooow! Amazing!! It's a miracle!! Bravooo!!" The crowd roared as Sebastian and Lau smiled and waved to the crowd while Chêne did 'jazz hands.' The three of them took a bow as their audience applauded them, and Sebastian picked up the cabinet, hoisting it over his shoulder, like it was nothing, as he and Chêne retreated before the curious audience could approach them.


"... Are you sure you're all right?" Chêne asked Sebastian as they returned to the ballroom after discarding their masks and the props they had 'borrowed' from the viscount's home.

"Of course. You know I am a demon, Chêne. I will not die from something as trivial as that," Sebastian said, smirking.

"Trivial, you say..." Chêne mumbled, sweat-dropping. "But even so... it must still hurt to be stabbed, right?" Chêne asked, frowning slightly in concern. Sebastian's eyes widened slightly in surprise as he glanced at Chêne. She really was a strange and interesting girl... no one would normally be concerned for a demon in such a way.

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