That Butler, Born

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Sebastian, Grell, and Ronald all charged at the Undertaker. Sebastian drew four knives and was about to attack, when Ronald's death scythe was thrust at his head. Sebastian quickly dodged.

"!?" the demon gritted his teeth.

"Whoa there!" Ronald said. "My mistake!"

"Your eyesight seems rather poor... Hm!?" Sebastian said darkly with a vein throbbing on his cheek as he threw his knives at Ronald.

"Whoa!" Ronald exclaimed, ducking low to avoid them. The knives continued on towards Undertaker, but he spun his sotoba and blocked all of them.

"Grim Reapers are all verrry nearsighted!" Undertaker said.

"That puts you at a disadvantage!!" Grell said, coming up behind him. He swung his death scythe at his prey. Undertaker blocked it with his sotoba again. "Eh...!?" Grell was surprised when his blade sliced through the wood. 'I cut through it!? Then why couldn't I before!?' Undertaker leered. He took advantage of Grell's confusion and kicked him away.


Ronald came rushing towards Undertaker next, but Undertaker simply dodged, jumping up and landing lightly on Ronald's shoulders. Ronald's eyes widened in shock and alarm as Undertaker stabbed his sotoba down towards his face. Ronald jerked his head back. He managed to avoid being stabbed, but his glasses were separated from his face.

"...!!" Ronald gasped. He reached out for them, but they just grew blurrier as they flew away from him. "Damn, my specs!"

"You're still green if you're relying on your eyeees!" Undertaker said, stomping on his face a he jumped away again. Ronald hit the ground with a harsh thud.

"What the heck are you..." Grell said, snatching the glasses from the air, "... doing!?" He tossed the glasses back to their owner.

"Thank you, sir—" Ronald started to say when something silver flashed in front of him. "Er!" He watched helplessly as one of Sebastian's knives hooked his glasses and flew away with them. Sebastian leaped into the air and threw eight knives at Undertaker as he landed. Undertaker braced himself and swung the sotoba like a cricket bat, catching all but one, which he dodged.

"Can you really hunt me with such tiiiiiny tableware, I wonder?" Undertaker said as they continued to fight. Sebastian moved his head to the side to dodge the sotoba Undertaker thrusted at him.

"They may be inferior to death scythes, but..." Sebastian said, smirking as he tightened his grip on the knife on his hand. He grabbed the sotoba with his other hand and held it in place while he sliced it up with the knife. "... The sharpness of our family silverware is first-class!" He slashed at Undertaker, who leaped back to avoid it.

"I seeee!" Undertaker said, skidding back to stand in front of the sotobas he threw at Grell that were embedded into the floor. He grabbed three sotobas and threw them at Sebastian. The butler jumped away, landing on top of the railing on the landing. "Come, come. What's the matter? Is this all the tree of you can manage? You're going to hunt me down, aren't yooou? Hee! Hee!"

"He's really pissing me off..." Ronald said, putting his glasses, which he had managed to recover, back on.

"Let's do this quick," Grell said with a frown. "The ship is listing pretty bad. We're out of time."

"... You said it," Ronald agreed. They both leaped into the air, charging Undertaker together.


"I can't be worrying about my looks!!" Grell said, revving up his chainsaw.

"We've gotta attack head-on!!" Ronald said with determination.

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