That Butler, Competition 2

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As Sebastian walked down the hall behind the stage, he came to a door with a sign that said 'Curry Festival' on it, so it must be the place. Sebastian opened the door.


Agni flinched in surprise when Sebastian entered the waiting room for the curry competition contestants.

"Mister Sebastian," Agni said, shocked to see the butler.

"It has been a while," Sebastian replied.

"What are you doing here...?" Agni asked nervously, confused, as he jumped up from the sofa he had been sitting on.

"I am here at my master's behest," Sebastian said calmly.

"If Lord Ciel has ordered you to take such action with my prince's interests at heart, please withdraw now!" Agni pleaded anxiously. He must win this competition, or Mina would...!

"Hah! My master? Doing this for Prince Soma, you say?" Sebastian asked cynically. Furrowing his eyebrows slightly as he raised one at Agni, as if to say 'you must be joking.' The very idea was laughable. "Your concern is unfounded, for my Lord puts his interests and those of his business before all else."

"I beg you. I do not wish to combat someone who has shown me every kindness!" Agni pleaded urgently, holding his head as he agonized over the situation, thinking Sebastian was just saying these things out of kindness. If only he and his prince had met Mister Sebastian and the others sooner...

"You have your reasons for participating in this fair, as do I," Sebastian said carelessly, not at all bothered by the situation. "That is all there is to it," he assured Agni.

"Forgive me, but I... cannot afford to lose...!" Agni said resolutely, clenching his fists in determination.

"How curious. That holds for me as well," Sebastian said coolly, smirking slightly. Things were getting interesting now...

{In the main part of the Crystal Palace, at the stage for the contest...}

"Now, ladies and gents! It's time for this 'Indian culture and it's prosperity in the British Empire' exhibition's main event—the Curry Festival!" The MC for the contest announced grandly as he unfurled a copy of one of the posters that had been used to advertise the event. "London's best curry houses will be taking part! And especially for today's event, you, dear audience, will have the chance to sample the competitors' curries! We hope you look forward to it~!" The crowd cheered excitedly, eager to participate in the free sampling.

"Now let's introduce our judges!!" The MC said enthusiastically as he turned to a table that had been set up in the rear, center stage as three men began to walk out onto the stage and take their seats at the table. "Chef Higham, a royal cook who does not compromise on taste," The MC said, introducing the first judge, who happened to be a man in a chef's uniform and hat. He was a rather stern-faced, bearded gentleman with grey hair.

"Mister Carter, who was appointed to the post of Taxation Official in India," The MC said, moving on to the next judge, who was a portly brunette man wearing small spectacles.

Chêne sweat-dropped. Why was a government official judging food...? He looked like he enjoyed eating it, but... did he know anything about culinary techniques and such?

"And last, but not least—" The MC said dramatically as he gestured to the last judge. "...The Viscount of Druitt, a lover of art, beauty, and food."

Chêne and Ciel instinctively broke out in goosebumps from shock and horror when they saw the perverted viscount waltz onto the stage, and the audience (mainly the women) Exploded in to applause and cheered things like 'He's so fiiiiiine~!' and 'Kyaaaah~!'

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