That Butler, Reflective

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[I despised my red hair, which was just like my father's. And I loathed the color red.

"An's red hair is really beautiful. The color of red lycoris, a color that blazes the earth. Red really suits you."

I began to love the color red because you complimented me. But... But...]


"Right, then," Sebastian said calmly, removing his black overcoat. He plopped it straight down over Ciel's head.

"!?" Chêne said, slightly surprised by the sudden movement. She hadn't been expecting that when Sebastian had looked so eager to fight, but she was glad he did it. They were all standing out in the cold, while it was raining, and getting soaked to the bone. At least Ciel would be wet and warm now, instead of wet and cold...

"Wha—!?" Ciel said indignantly, vein mark throbbing on his forehead. What the heck was Sebastian doing all of a sudden!?

"Please do not catch a chill. You would not want to be scolded by Chêne later for being so careless of your health now, would you? I will prepare some hot milk when we have returned to the town house, and I shall sweeten it with honey or brandy or something of the sort," Sebastian said, smiling at Ciel and Chêne as he wrapped the coat around Ciel. Chêne sweat-dropped. Just how many times was she going to have to remind him that human children under a certain age shouldn't have alcohol, because it affects their physical and mental development... Ciel could possibly even become an alcoholic.

'Although... I have a feeling I'm going to want both a little honey and brandy in mine by the end of tonight...' she thought, sweat-dropping, as she smiled wryly and wrapped her arms around Ciel, hoping they could share each other's warmth.

"He's right, you know? We both get sick easily," Chêne said.

"..." Ciel said as he allowed Chêne to hold him, and he gripped Sebastian's coat.

"Ohhh? I'm not going to let you go running home just like that, you know!?" Grell said, smirking as he revved up his scythe again. He was tired of being ignored. "Little Death Scythe here and I are both full of soooo much pent up energy these days 'cos our quarry has been much too easy to...hunt!" he yelled as he leapt high up into the air above them.

"!!" Ciel and Chêne said, surprised. They suddenly felt themselves being shoved away by Sebastian as he jumped back, and they gritted their teeth when they hit the ground. In that instant, Grell slammed down his Death Scythe, just barely missing them. Chêne's eyes widened in shock as she watched the Death Scythe's spinning blade cut the street's cobblestones. It was actually shredding stone to pieces!

'Holy shi—take mushroom!? That is not normal!!' Chêne screamed internally, turning blue with shock. There was no way a normal chainsaw could do that! Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly when he noticed Chêne's reaction. It was obvious from her reaction that although the two weapons looked alike, there was just no comparison between their cutting power.

"I much prefer doing the chasing myself to being chased, Sebas-chan!" Grell yelled, grinning maniacally, as he pulled his Scythe out of the ground and did a rocker sign with his free hand. "So let's have ourselves a marvelous round of tag, shall we!?" he shouted as he charged towards Sebastian.

"I have asked you before... to refrain from uttering such vile... drivel!" Sebastian said as he did a back flip to avoid Grell's attack.

"Don't be like that! You'll get hooked on my little one once you've had a taste... I'm sure~!" Grell said, smirking evilly as he immediately swung at Sebastian again. Sebastian grabbed a nearby lamppost and instantly ripped it out of the ground, holding it up to block Grell's blow.

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