That Butler, Busy 4

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'This paperwork is so tedious...' Ciel thought boredly as he read through the documents for the latest toy designs for his toy company. So far, all the new ideas were unbelievably lame, and to add to his torture—Ciel's sweet tooth was bothering him.

"You look bored, Ciel," Chêne said, grinning impishly at him as she entered his Study. Ciel knew that look. It was the look Chêne always got when she was feeling particularly mischievous. "Wanna help me with something? I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Chêne said playfully. Ciel smirked.

"Hmm... What did you have in mind?" Ciel asked, leaning forward in his power chair, placing his hands together, like a proper criminal mastermind. All he need was the fluffy white cat.


{A little while later, in the main hall...}

"Dear me," Sebastian said as he wiped his brow. "After countless interruptions, this is all I could manage, hm?" Sebastian heard the sound of a herd of stampeding idiots heading his way, and the doors slammed open as the three stooges burst into the room.

"Mister Sebastiaaaaan!" Mei-Rin, Bard, and Finni yelled. Bard had an afro again, and Mei-Rin had somehow managed to end up with a bucket over her head. Finni looked all right, but whatever he had touched last was probably broken in half now.

"Yes? Now what?" Sebastian asked, annoyed, as he turned away from what he was doing to look at them. The other three servants froze, stunned and amazed, when they saw what Sebastian had been working on. The entire room had been filled with tables that were piled high with elegant and colorful desserts. In the center of the room, Sebastian was currently working on a magnificent chocolate sculpture. He had already sculpted Big Ben, the London Bridge, and a headless horseman. Sebastian was now in the process of adding chocolate roses to the arrangement, with thorny vines curling in and out to fill the negative space and balance the visual weight of the sculpture. It was a chocoholic's dream. Chêne would've probably squealed with delight and gushed about how 'awesome' it was, with her eyes sparkling in admiration and hunger for her favorite dessert. In fact, Sebastian had made an extra rose to give her once she was over their argument.

"Wooow! It's chocolate!" Finni cried in delight and awe.

"Are these all sweets!?" Mei-Rin asked, amazed. How had he managed to fill such a huge room with so many sweets so quickly? Sebastian stared at them and sighed. It just wasn't the same.

"So this is what you were up to while you made us do all the work?" Bard said tartly, his hair was suddenly back to normal.

"Made you do all the work?" Sebastian said, not believing what he had just heard after everything they put him through. "We are inviting children here tomorrow... so this is for them," he explained. Sebastian would skin them alive if they touched it.

"All this, just for some brats? Whoa, crazy," Bard said, sweat-dropping.

"That's Mister Sebastian for you!" Finni and Mei-Rin gushed in admiration.

"But... what sort of statue is this?" Finni asked as he stared up at the chocolate headless horseman.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "It is the 'Wild Earl' of whom you are so fo—!?" Sebastian froze mid-sentence, turning blue with shock. 'The head... is gone!!' Sebastian thought. He had been so focused on finishing the rest of it, that he hadn't even noticed the missing head. He couldn't believe how scatter brained he had been... their stupidity must be contagious. "The head of the Earl that I crafted so precisely is—!" Sebastian said, shaking with shock and fury. Sebastian whipped his head around to glare evilly at the other servants, who all flinched in fear at his murderous glare.

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