That Butler, Treated 2

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{Upon returning to Ciel's townhouse...}

"Huuh? Why did things turn out that way?" Ciel asked, furrowing his brow slightly, as he sweat dropped.

"Why, you ask?" Sebastian asked as he helped Ciel out of his winter cloak. Hadn't he and Chêne just finished explaining everything during the ride back? "So, like I said––" He started to explain again, when someone else burst into the room.

"Ciiiel~!!" Soma shouted excitedly as he ran over to greet his friend. "You were laaate! Are you done for the day!?" he asked, grinning like an idiot, as he threw his hands up in the air, cheering Ciel's return. Did this kid just eat a bowl of sugar or something? He was way too hyper for so late at night...

"Welcome home," Agni greeted them all much more calmly, smiling brightly. He too was happy to see that their friends had returned safely.

"Hey, ya'll," Chêne returned their greeting, smiling. It was kind of nice to be greeted so enthusiastically after having such a long day.

"Teach me chess today~" Soma asked Ciel, only to be swiftly passed by as Ciel and Sebastian continued their conversation/argument. Chêne sweat dropped.


"When did I order you to do such a thing?" Ciel asked crossly.

"Is there any harm in it?" Sebastian asked. After all, this would grant them a legitimate reason to return, and Chêne could enjoy playing as part of a circus for a bit.

"As far as this..." Ciel started to say, when Soma chased after him again.

"Hey Ciel! What a sour face you've got there! I came out to greet you. So you could at least smile~!" Soma whined as her hovered around Ciel. A vein mark throbbed on Ciel's forehead as he started to emit a dark aura, clearly annoyed by Soma's hyperactive persistence when he was trying to work. He grit his teeth as his patience reached its limit.

"Shut up! I'm busy right now. Keep you mouth shut!!" he roared impatiently, causing the prince to flinch in shock. What was his problem?

"... Luck will run away if you're not smiling, you know..." Soma said, pouting slightly, as he fiddled with his fingers and watched Ciel stomp off in a huff with several vein marks throbbing on his head, and Sebastian at his heels.

"... Don't worry, Prince Soma. I'm sure Ciel's just a little cranky after such a long day." She told him reassuringly as she patted him on the shoulder. "How about I make some hot cocoa for everyone?" she suggested, smiling, when Soma immediately perked up and smiled with the radiance of a thousand suns. He loved Chêne's cocoa.

"... Did you do something different with your hair, Miss Chêne?" Agni asked curiously when he noticed something was a little different about her from before. Chêne smiled wryly and sweat dropped. How should she explain this? Ciel had specifically told her not to let Soma and Agni know any of the details about this case, just in case they tried to 'help' and ended up getting in the way...

"Um, it's a long story, but... I was wondering if you could you do me a small favor...? Chêne asked, smiling wryly, as she rubbed the back of her neck.


"Like I was saying... how did it turn into me having to join the circus as well!?" Ciel demanded once Sebastian had shut his bedroom door behind them. He removed his jacket and tossed it on the bed. Chêne was dealing with the other two, so he should be able to have at least a moment's peace for now.

"No one is having you do anything," Sebastian told him. "You will try out for the troupe and be asked to join," he explained

"You're the only one that needs to infiltrate the place. Living in a tent is no laughing matter!" Ciel countered moodily as he plopped down onto his bed and pulled off his tie. How could an earl live in such a poor manner? Chêne had convinced him to try camping out one time, and it was not an experience he wished to repeat. Besides, it was still winter. Wouldn't living in a structure that only had canvas for walls be freezing?

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