That Butler, Victorious 2

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"..." Ciel said as he stared solemnly at the Indian prince. "Anyone can simply say the words," he deadpanned.

"I'll do it! Just you wait and see!" Soma shouted indignantly.

"Yeah... sure, sure," Ciel said boredly, blatant disbelief written all over his face.

"Haha, glad to see you two are getting along well~!" Chêne teased as she hopped off the stage and landed next to the two younger boys.

"Who's getting along...?" Ciel muttered, slightly chagrined.

"My, my," Sebastian said, smirking slightly in amusement at Ciel's expense, as he too exited the stage and rejoined them, toting his shiny new trophy. "How lively."

"Mister Sebastian!" Finni and Mei-Rin cheered excitedly as they and Bard ran over. "Congratulations~!"

"You did it!! Today calls for a victory celebration!!" Bard declared jovially as they all swarmed Sebastian, and he swung an arm around the demon butler's shoulder, grinning. Honestly, Sebastian would've much preferred to have Chêne's slender arm around him, so he let the three stooges hold the trophy for a while to keep them occupied and out of his personal space for a bit.

"It's the... the trophyyyy!!" Finni cheered excitedly as he hoisted the gleaming object high above his head and started running around willy-nilly.

"Don't drop it!" Bard shouted as he and Mei-Rin ran after him to make sure Finni didn't do anything Sebastian would make them all regret later.

"Mister Sebastian," Agni said tentatively, getting his fellow butler's attention. Sebastian watched as Agni dropped to his knees before him humbly. "I do not know how to apologize to you for these circumstances..." Sebastian stared down at him for a moment. Agni looked truly repentant and deeply troubled by all the difficulties his actions had caused for them... even though, in Sebastian's opinion, the man had no real reason to apologize to him in the first place. Agni had merely been faithfully serving his master, just as a butler should.

"Mister Agni, there is no need for that," Sebastian stated calmly as he too kneeled down and offered the other man his hand. "Please, raise your head."

"That's right. No real harm was done, so don't worry about it, 'kay?" Chêne said reassuringly as she squatted down beside them. "Just look over there, and you'll see that everything is copacetic!" she added, smiling brightly as she pointed to Ciel and Soma. Soma had his arm around Ciel, and the Indian prince was smiling and laughing. Ciel didn't exactly look pleased about having his personal space invaded, because there was a small vein mark on his face and he was making a rather feeble attempt to remove Soma's arm with the hand that wasn't holding his cane, but if Ciel had really hated it, he would've probably gotten one of them to remove Soma for him by now... It was nice to see him 'playing' with another boy who was so close to his own age. Ciel was such a work-a-holic most of the time, that Chêne was worried he'd forget how to interact with other children altogether. Kids should take time to play while they still can, you know? Agni stared at the scene, looking a little awestruck.

"I initially regretted bringing my prince over to Great Britain," Agni admitted solemnly. "However... now I am glad I brought him here. My prince and I have been taught many things by you. I cannot even begin to express my thanks for all you have done," he told Sebastian and Chêne.

"As I have said many times... I fought for my own reasons, and you for yours. That is all. Thanks are not necessary," Sebastian stated calmly.

"Yeah, it's no big deal, Mister Agni. If Sebastian says it's okay, then it's okay," Chêne said, smiling. She was glad Sebastian was being so gracious to the poor man after everything he'd been through. He must have developed some respect for the humble khansama.

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