The Butler, Scheming

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The teams for Red House and Blue House stood facing each other on the field while the crowd cheered for the start of the first match.

"Well then, the first match of the inter-house cricket tournament—the Sapphire Owls of Blue House vs. The Scarlet Foxes of Red House—will now begin!" the commentator announced.

"What unfortunate luck for you to be pitted against Red House at the outset, Lawrence," Edgar said.

"Hmph," Lawerence said with his brow furrowed.

"I may lose to you in chess, but I won't lose at cricket!" Soma told Ciel with a grin.

"We'll see about that," Ciel said. The umpire flipped a coin.

"Red House fields first! Blue House change into your vests," the umpire said. "In this tournament, each match will consist of two innings of twenty overs maximum!" Blue House changed into their knitted vests, as they were told to, and then everyone took up their positions on the field. Lawrence was set up to be the first striker, while Clayton took the nonstriker position. Soma was the bowler, standing at the same end of the pitch as Clayton and the umpire.

"Play!" the umpire said.

"Soma Asam Kadar. I'm a right arm," Soma introduced himself to Lawrence, tossing the cricket ball from one hand to the other with great force and speed.

"Whenever you're ready," Lawrence said, prepared to do his best.

"A showdown between the elephant prince and the P4 right off!?" a boy in the Blue House section of the stands cheered excitedly.

"Go get 'em house captaiiin!!" another boy cheered.

"Blue House! Blue House!" a third boy cheered.

"Here I come!" Soma said. He swung his arm and hurled the ball toward Lawrence.

'What velocity!!!' Lawrence thought, alarmed. He swung the bat but missed the fast ball, which hit the ground, bounced, bowled over all of the wickets in one go, and zoomed into the waiting glove of the wicket keeper.

"Out!" the umpire declared.

"Bowled out already!?" a boy cheering for Blue House cried in dismay, holding his head.

"Sports just aren't our cup of tea, after all!" Another boy said, half hiding his face behind his hand.

"Kuh...!" Lawrence said, frustrated.

'He's as skilled at cricket as he made himself out to be, it would seem,' Ciel thought as a bead of sweat slid down his face. Clayton stepped up to bat, and Soma whirled his am around.

"Here I go!" Soma said.

"Come on then, Kadar!" Clayton said bravely.

"Hah!" Soma said, hurling the ball at him. It hit the ground in front of Clayton and bounced up.

"Ah!?" Clayton said, swinging his bat to hit it away before it hit him. The ball popped up high above him.

"Fellows, it's up in the air!" someone on the Red House team shouted.

"Kuh! I was forced to hit it," Clayton thought, frustrated. Judging by the trajectory, he could already guess the outcome. The ball sailed right into Edgar's hands.

"Nice fly ball.♥" Edgar said, giving the ball a light kiss.

"Caught!! Two outs!" the umpire said.

"Kyaaah! Lord Redddmond!♥ You are so diviiine!" cheered some girls in the stands.

"Dammit...!!" Clayton said, cursing his defeat.

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