That Butler, On The Hunt 3

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{The Phantomhive stables}

"How do you like this, Marchioness?" Sebastian asked Francis once they had reached the stables. He had guided them to the stall of a magnificent black stallion. "We sent for a horse with a magnificent bluish-black coat to serve as our master's steed..." Sebastian noticed that Chêne was rejoining them as he spoke. She looked a little tired, but anyone would be after dealing with those three...

"... And we have been looking forward to the day you might take a look at it, Marchioness," Chêne said, smiling, as she walked up beside Sebastian and pet the horse. The horse neighed happily. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at Chêne, as if to ask what had happened, but she just shook her head, and gave a look that said 'please, just don't ask.'

"Ohh... A fine horse, indeed. The hip is sturdy, and it looks well," Francis said thoughtfully as she stared at the noble steed, impressed. "I have it!" she said, turning to Ciel. "Ciel. What say we do a little hunting together?" Francis suggested, grinning slyly at him.

"!?" Ciel said, surprised. "With you, Aunt Francis?" he asked, making sure he hadn't misheard.

"It will be a good opportunity to see how good a man my daughter's fiancé is," Francis said, smirking. "Or... is 'hunting' too demanding for Earl Phantomhive, who possesses a constitution more common to the fairer sex?" she taunted.

'Oh, snap!' Chêne thought. Francis had just basically called Ciel a 'sissy.'

"Very well," Ciel said, furrowing his brow in irritation. It was on now. "Sebastian, Chêne, prepare for the hunt," he ordered.

"The game is afoot, Ciel!" Francis declared, smiling cunningly as competitive sparks flew between them.


{In the woods on the Phantomhive property}

Sebastian led their hunting party on foot, followed by Ciel, who had Lizzie riding sidesaddle with him, on his black horse. Francis picked up the rear in a white horse that Chêne had selected for her, before she left them to prepare a lunch for when they needed to take a break from hunting. She was to bring it to them once it was finished.

"Sebastian," Ciel said simply, knowing the butler would understand his order.

"Yes, Sir," Sebastian said. The demon butler sniffed the air. "... Young master." He caught a scent. "This way." Sebastian said, leading them to a prime hunting location.

"Does your butler double as a hound?" Francis asked drolly, smirking.

"He... is sort of like that," Ciel replied cryptically.

"Then we shall begin here," Sebastian said, once they reached their destination. "The rules are as follows: maintain your territory, twenty-five meters on either side... and avoid shooting at birds flying lower than the prescribed altitude... are we agreed?"

"Yes," Ciel and Francis answered, ready to begin.

"The game is now underway. The time limit shall be three hours," Sebastian said, pulling out his pocket watch.

"See you, Ciel!" Francis said as she immediately turned her horse around, and rode off to begin her hunt, not wasting any time. Ciel, Lizzie, and Sebastian watched her ride away.

"Lizzie, get off here. I can't hunt otherwise." Ciel said, sweat-dropping.

"Ehhhhhh!? But we finally get to spend time together!" Lizzie protested, blushing slightly, as she pouted. Sebastian could hear the faint sound of a gunshot in the distance.

"1 – Nil." Sebastian reported.

"!" Ciel said. Francis was already leaving him in her dust...!

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