That Butler, Summoned

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Chêne's POV

Chêne had noticed the way the man had looked at the boy, and his reaction to it. She looked at the altar again, and realized it was stained with blood. Her eyes widened. How could she have not noticed that? It finally clicked. They were going to sacrifice that boy. She watched in horror as they tied the boy down to the altar.

"No," Chêne said softly, hoping in vain that she was wrong. The leader turned to her.

"Oh, so you are that type of person, hmm?" the leader said, smiling like that cat that ate the canary. "The 'bleeding heart'? You are too stubborn to break when you are the one suffering, but it is another matter entirely when it concerns someone else, correct?" the man leered at Chêne as he picked up the ceremonial dagger and began the ritual.

"No! You leave him alone!" Chêne yelled desperately. The cult members ignored her pleas as they continued, chanting strange things that sounded like Latin. She was still being held in place by two of the cult members. "He's just a kid! STOP IT!" she screamed.

Ciel's POV

Ciel continued to struggle as he heard Chêne begging the cult to spare him.

'No!' Ciel thought, panicking, 'No! I don't want to die!'

He heard Chêne struggling to break free from her captors again. The chanting stopped, and the leader raised the dagger above Ciel. His heart was beating rapidly he felt like a wild animal that had been cornered by a predator, unable to escape. Ciel frantically looked around the room, trying to look at anything other than the glittering black eyes of the man hovering over him, gleeful at the thought of his death. Ciel saw Chêne, she was doing her best to break free, but she was obviously weak from the beating she had taken earlier, not to mention the men that held her were three times her size. Ciel froze when he saw the look in Chêne's eyes. The fear he saw in them wasn't just for herself, it was for him. There was no sickening cruelty, no unwanted pity, only understanding and desperation as she struggled to get to him. It had been so long since someone had looked at him in such a way... not since his mother died.

"Now, here we have little Ciel, the son of the late Earl Phantomhive," the leader leered at Ciel, "let us hope such high quality material will summon us a real demon this time!" the man growled as he viciously stabbed Ciel with the knife. Ciel cried out in agony as a searing pain tore through his chest.

'It doesn't matter who!' Ciel thought desperately. 'It doesn't matter how!' He heard Chêne screaming. 'SAVE US!'

Ciel's desperation was turning into rage as he felt his life draining from him.

'Why should we have to die!' Ciel gritted his teeth in anger. 'No one ever comes to our rescue.'

Ciel remembered the cries of the other children, the children that lay on the altar as he now did.

'There is no such thing as God—KILL KILL KILL KILL—!' Ciel screamed in his mind as two glowing crimson eyes watched him.

"Oh? Well aren't you a very small master," a dark, seductive voice mused. Heels clicked on the floor as a figure, shrouded in shadows paced the room. Circling, like a predator.

Chêne's POV

Chêne froze when she felt some kind of strange presence fill the room. She stopped trying to break free and stared in shock when she saw the demon. Although, other than crimson eyes, she could not make out any distinct features the demon may have possessed—thanks to the mysterious and oddly dense shadows dancing around him—she got the distinct impression the demon was a 'he'. His presence chilled Chêne to the bone and filled her with a heavy, cold dread. There was no doubt this time. This was a demon. She forced herself to look away from the demon, and she saw the boy, still on the altar, bleeding to death. Ciel, they had called him. Chêne looked at her captors and realized they had gone limp with shock. Breaking loose from their grip would be easy now... but that demon...

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