That Butler, Competitive 4

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{Later that evening, in the Dinning Room...}

Ciel, Lau, and Soma were all seated at the dining table, and were enjoying their supper of mackerel with gooseberry sauce and chicken cottage pie. There was also rice, soup, and some flatbread to accompany it. Well, not everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves...

"—And so? Who is this woman you are looking for?" Ciel asked as he placed his elbow on the table, and leaned his head in his hand. 'Why is there a flag on this pie...?' Ciel wondered, sweat-dropping.

"She has waited on me since I was born. She's like my nanny. We've been together ever since I can remember," Soma explained as he chomped on his cottage pie, using his hands to eat instead of the European silverware. "Father has no interest in me... and Mother is so desperate for his attention, she has no time for me," Soma said. Agni bowed his head slightly out of sadness for his prince. "I was always alone in the palace..." Soma said solemnly as he remembered feeling so alone in that large palace, despite the many people that lived and worked in it. "But Mina was always by my side. She was cheerful, beautiful, and taught me many things, just as an older sister might," Soma said, brightening up again as he thought of his beloved nanny. Sebastian noticed that although Ciel seemed to be gazing at Soma emotionlessly as he listened, the young earl's eyes flickered briefly in Chêne's direction for a second when he heard Soma's description of his relationship with Mina, and it was no wonder why. From the sound of things, Mina had been Soma's 'Chêne.' "I was never lonely if Mina was with me. I loved Mina, and Mina loved me." Soma's smile darkened slightly, as he clenched his fists. "But... he... a British noble came... and took Mina away to Great Britain!" Soma yelled furiously as he slammed his fist angrily against the table.

"What do you mean?" Lau asked.

"Queen Victoria, Empress of India, recognizes the domestic administrative rights of Bengal, but... In truth, the political advisor sent from Great Britain controls most of the politics," Soma said as he picked his fork up an twirled it between his fingers. "So the reality is we're not much different from a colony. And three months ago, he came as a guest of that political advisor!" Soma said, stabbing his mackerel with the fork. "That fellow set his eyes on Mina at my palace... and took Mina away to Great Britain by force... while I was out inspecting the town!!" Soma yelled, frustrated that Mina had been stolen from him. If only he hadn't left that day!

"So you came to Great Britain to retrieve your woman," Ciel stated calmly as Sebastian poured him more tea.

"Yes! I'll get her back, and we'll all go home together," Soma said firmly as he ate the piece of fish he had stabbed with his fork.

"Still, you are going a bit overboard just for one servant girl—" Ciel said, sighing.


"There is no such thing as 'overboard' in this case!! The palace without Mina is an empty box!!" Soma shouted, outraged by Ciel's cold indifference, as he slammed his hands down on the table, and shot out of his chair, rushing towards Ciel. "Can you understand the despair I felt when I was forcibly separated from Mina!?" Soma yelled as he grabbed the young earl roughly by shoulders.

"Hey, wait a—!" Chêne said, about to intervene, when Sebastian placed a hand on her shoulder, holding her back. Chêne glanced at him, wondering why he had stopped her. She understood why Soma was upset, but he shouldn't have grabbed Ciel so violently...

"Can you understand just how sad I—!" Soma yelled at Ciel again, but the young earl cut him off.

"Can't say I do," Ciel said coldly.

"...!" Soma said nervously, staring down at Ciel. He was shocked at how... frightening the younger boy suddenly seemed to be... He hadn't raised his voice, but there was something about the harsh look in his eyes that chilled Soma to the bone.

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