That Butler, Frenzied

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The sinking of the Campania. The unprecedented maritime accident that caused over a thousand deaths terrified all of Great Britain. The mysterious monsters that attacked the vessel—the survivors all spoke of their terrors. However, the truth of their testimonies was swallowed by the sea along with the vessel, and articles containing much speculation continued to make headlines in the papers daily.

"The news is being reported again today," Ciel observed as he read an article about the Viscount of Druitt's miraculous return.

"He is so though..." Chêne remarked as she and he sweat-dropped. According to the paper, the viscount had ridden a raft with a cross on it to safety as if he was Jesus Christ, our lord and savior.

"Your first sea voyage was a total disaster," Sebastian said with a smile, pouring the tea. "When we returned to the manor, you fell ill as expected, Young Master... but I am glad things are finally about to return to normal."

"Hmph. Normal, eh...?" Ciel said, sipping his tea. He doubted that, now that Lacey was part of the staff, but also... "Tell me, Sebastian." He set his cup down. "What part of that is 'normal'?" he asked, referring to the rabbit-eared headbands on his butler and head maid's heads.

"Today is Easter, so Lady Elizabeth instructed us all to don these," Sebastian replied, touching his bunny ears. "It is quite the visual assault, hm?"

"I think they're fun," Chêne said, even though she knew her husband would prefer to see her in cat ears.

"I see..." Ciel said. "Things have been noisy since this morning. What is she up to today...?"

"We have been told to take you to the second floor when you have finished your breakfast, Young Master..." Sebastian said with a smile. "... So let us go."


Sebastian opened the door to the drawing room, and Ciel was greeted by the sight of Lizzie, Edward, Soma, Agni, Mei-Rin, Nina (who was hugging and trying to kiss Mei-Rin), Lacey in her new uniform (who was helping Nina), Finni, Snake, Bard, and Mister Tanaka—who were all wearing bunny ears.

"Cut that out," Chêne said, going over to save Mei-Rin. "Don't you join in, too!" she scolded Lacey.

"Ah! You're finally here!" Lizzie said happily, turning to face Ciel.

"You're late, Ciel!" Soma said.

"What are they doing here!?" Ciel asked Lizzie, taken aback.

"I wanted us to celebrate Easter together!" Lizzie said cheerfully. "My brother followed me on his own, though." Poor Edward flinched in shock at the cold comment.

"We believe in different gods, but we shall humbly celebrate as well," Agni said with a kind smile.

"Well? What sort of festival is this 'Eestar'?" Soma asked.

"Easter is a holiday upon which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion," Sebastian replied.

'Boy, it's really something hearing those words pop out of a demon's mouth...' Lacey thought.

"Dishes made with plenty of eggs, butter, and milk are served," Sebastian continued. "Games which use decorated 'Easter eggs'... such as the 'egg hunt' and 'egg tapping' are played."

"Egg tapping?" Lacey asked Chêne.

"It's just how it sounds. It's a game where you tap hard-boiled eggs. The one whose egg breaks is the loser."

"The exchange of cards with 'Easter bunnies', motifs of prolific rabbits drawn on them, seem to be popular as well," Sebastian added.

"And! Everyone dresses up in new hats and outfits at Easter," Lizzie said brightly.

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