That Butler, Skilled 3

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{Outside The Phantomhive Manor, 6'o clock}

A classy automobile screeched to a halt as it pulled to a stop in front of the manor.

"My, my!" said an older gentleman as he climbed out of the automobile. "This is a far cry from home!" He lifted his fedora in greeting to Ciel, who had been waiting for the man on the porch steps while reading a book on economics. "And it has been a while since I've come here, too."

"You made it, Chlaus," Ciel said calmly as he stood up to greet his guest.

"Buona sera, Ciel!" Chlaus greeted the boy warmly and pulled him into a hug, clapping him on the back. "Have you been well? Have you grown a little taller?"

"I regret to say I have not," Ciel replied as he led Chlaus into his manor.

"I do beg your pardon! I'm glad you are doing well," Chlaus said good-naturedly.

"You seem to be doing well yourself," Ciel said as the doors opened, revealing all the servants lined up in the main foyer.

"Welcome, Mister Chlaus," Sebastian greeted their guest as they all bowed.

"Oh-ho... oh my. You've really cleaned up this old manor house," Chlaus said, slightly surprised.

"We have been expecting you, Mister Chlaus," Sebastian said politely.

"I'll take you coat for you, sir," Chêne offered, smiling. She liked Mister Chlaus. He reminded her of godfather Drosselmeyer from The Nutcracker Ballet.

"Sebastian and Chêne, long time, no see!" Chlaus greeted. "I see you've taken on new staff here. Here's my hat too," Chlaus added as he placed his hat on Finni's head.

"You must have much to discuss with my lord. Dinner preparations will be ready shortly, so please, right this way to the courtyard, Sir," Sebastian said, leading Chlaus to the manor's inner courtyard.

"The courtyard?" Chlaus asked.

"The young master has ordered us to entertain you for all the trouble you have experienced on his behalf during your journey. I hope you find our efforts most agreeable," Sebastian said.

He opened the doors to the inner courtyard, revealing a beautiful garden with elegant irises in full bloom and small natural boulders placed in a sea of pebbles that rippled like the surface of a pond after a stone had been dropped in.

"Please make yourself at home," Chêne added.

"Oh! Delightful! Prodigioso!" Chlaus praised when he saw the elegant scenery. "This is a Japanese stone garden!"

"We have tea ready for you, Sir," Sebastian said as he pulled out Chlaus' chair for him.

"The irises are very beautiful. Bare trees and flowers... this must be what is called 'wabi-sabi'," Chlaus said as he sat down. "I bet this was Chêne's doing somehow. She is the one who mentioned the term when we last met." Chêne smiled a little proudly at his praise.

"Yes," she said smiling. "It was Sebastian's idea to create the garden, but he let me design it."

"Pardon me," Sebastian said as he served the tea using Tanaka's tea set. It was green tea instead of one of the black teas Ciel usually favored. Chêne added honey to Ciel's cup since he preferred sweets to more bitter flavored foods.

"Even the tea is Japanese. I see you are particular about the details," Chlaus said.

'Hmm... I wonder if that's where the saying 'the devil is in the details' comes from?' Chêne wondered.

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