That Butler, Guessing

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The ship crashed into the iceberg and two of the propeller blades snapped and broke off. The iceberg scraped the side of the ship, rattling the cargo hold as it tore open the hull. Water rushed in. Looking at the ship from the air, the damage appeared minimal.

"The jet-black seas sprinkled with twinkling stars..." Grell said, charging at the zombies on deck.


He fired up his death scythe to take part in the deadly dance. He twirled and swept his scythe in a circle, decapitating all four zombies surrounding him at once.

"... Are being dyed in shades of my beloved rosy red!" Grell finished with a grin as one of the heads flew overboard and landed in the cold sea. "It just begs for me to play the heroine! Tonight promises to be a fabulous evening!"


"Wh—What was that!?" Chêne asked when the whole ship shook. She suddenly remembered her dream. If the zombies were real, then... "Don't tell me—"

"If your guess is 'iceberg', you've got it in one," Lacey told her, holding up her own little book of death. "This ship is going down. According to this, the captain already bit the dust."

"Don't we need to do something, then?!" Chêne said urgently. "Where's the thing for the water-tight doors, or whatever they're called?!"

"I'm pretty sure it's in the same place as the ship's steering wheel... wherever that is..." Lacey replied. She thought she remembered seeing something like that in a movie.

"The wheelhouse? I know where that is!" Chêne said and grabbed her hand and started pulling her along. "Come on, then!" she said, trusting her sword through a zombie's head as she went, kicking another out of the way.

"You're a badass when you're in a hurry," Lacey remarked with an amused smirk. "All right. We might as well make sure there's time for the lifeboats to be boarded, since we'll be needing one."


{Elevator Hall...}

"Wh—What's going on!?" Francis said, alarmed when they felt the ship shake too, just as Sebastian was leaving. "What was that quaking just now!?"

"... It cannot be!!" Sebastian said, furrowing his brow. He rushed out onto the first-class deck and over to the side to look over the railing, followed by Edward. "!" He could see that the ship had been damaged and there were huge chunks of ice on the deck below. They had obviously hit an iceberg. Edward caught sight of the very one, a massive formation of ice. If it was that big above water, then the size of it below must be terrifyingly immense.

"Don't tell me we just ran afoul of that!?" Edward exclaimed. Sebastian quickly turned on his heel and ran. "Hey, Butler!?" Sebastian ran as fast as his feet would carry him and skidded to a halt outside the wheelhouse. He quickly entered it and found a diagram of the ship that showed him exactly what he needed to know. "To prevent the ship from taking on water... Ah, yes, water-tight doors... here we are," he said, locating the switch for it. He pulled it, and the lights that indicated they were closed lit up for every door except three. "There." He saw movement out the corner of his eye and turned to face it. His eyes widened in surprise when his wife threw her arms around him.

"Sebastian!" Chêne exclaimed, beyond relieved to see him. "I guess we had the same idea!"

"It would appear so," he said, returning her embrace, also relieved to see her. He was surprised she had found him first, but the most important thing was that she was indeed safe.

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