That Butler, Foreign 3

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{10:00AM—Violin lesson}

"—Now," Sebastian said once he and Ciel were ready to begin. "While you are in London, I shall tutor you... in place of the lady governesses and Chêne, since she has today off," Sebastian said. He liked to begin by 'looking the part,' so the demon butler was wearing glasses along with his usual butler uniform now that he was in tutor mode, and he was also holding a violin bow for some reason. "First let us practice the 'Partita No. 2' for solo violin."

"Geh!" Ciel said, grimacing as he looked over the music sheet. "Bach's Chaconne... I won't be able to play... such a hard piece—" Ciel was surprised when Sebastian reached out and tilted his chin up using the violin bow he was holding. "!" Ciel said, wondering what Sebastian was doing.

"Fufufu. You will gain confidence if you begin by mastering the difficult pieces first," Sebastian said, chuckling evilly as he smirked at Ciel. Ciel sweat-dropped. Why was it that as soon as Chêne was gone, Sebastian seemed to get more evil? "I lay down the rules here. And naturally, I am very strict. Do you have any issues with my teaching method?" Sebastian asked, giving him a brilliant shit-eating grin.

"..." Ciel said, furrowing his brow slightly as he gritted his teeth. It was obvious that Sebastian didn't care either way what he thought, and if he did object, Sebastian would probably just increase his workload.

"Good," Sebastian said, satisfied that Ciel wasn't going to give him any problems. "Now hold the bow ready," he instructed as Ciel reluctantly placed the bow on the violin's strings. With the key of D Minor, it is important to express solemnity and reverence with your timbre. Just like that," Sebastian said, smiling as Ciel began to play. "Express the timbre with emotion."


"Express anger occasionally," Sebastian instructed Ciel.


"Yes..." Sebastian said... wait— 'twang' and 'thok'...? "Erm, and what might you be doing?" Sebastian inquired of Agni and Soma when he realized they were the cause of the strange noises. He was feeling slightly bewildered by the two foreigners and their behavior. Soma was playing a stringed instrument that looked like a small guitar body that had an extra-long neck attached to it, and Agni was playing on a set of hand drums.

"Nn?" Soma said, furrowing his brow in confusion, wondering what the problem was.

"What a novel instrument~!" Lau complimented as he squatted down next to Agni and examined the trio of drums.

"I thought I'd spend the day with Ciel today," Soma declared cheerfully, encouraged by Lau's compliment. "I'm a dab hand at playing string instruments too." Sebastian sweat-dropped. It wasn't quite the same... Ciel shook as he tried to control his temper—and failed.

"Get out!" Ciel yelled as Agni and Soma were tossed out into the hallway.

{11:00AM—Drawing lesson}

"Now it is time for drawing," Sebastian announced as he gestured to the still life of a bottle of wine and bowl of fruit that he had set up for Ciel to draw.

"I'd rather wait for Chêne to teach me this. She is the one who normally serves as my substitute art teacher when the other one is sick," Ciel said bluntly.

"It would be preferable for Chêne to teach this lesson, since she is an artist herself, however she is not here at the moment, so I shall do my best to instruct you in her place," Sebastian said, giving Ciel a brilliant shit-eating grin that left no room for arguments. "Now, look at how things are balanced and give depth to your drawing," he instructed. Ciel raised his pencil and held it in front of the apple, choosing a main focal point for his drawing, just as Chêne had taught him, and used it as a means of measuring the apple's proportion in a way that would make it easier to draw the apple and the objects around it in the correct perspective and proportions to each other.

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