That Butler, Trick or Treat 3

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"My, my~! I wonder who it could be~?" Pomona sang, grinning as she skipped out of the room to answer the door, pulling Chêne with her. Ciel and Sebastian exchanged a looked before deciding to follow. They were starting to think that Chêne might be the normal one in the family...

"W-Wait, PomPom—!" Chêne said nervously as she struggled to break free from her mother's iron grip. For some reason her mother seemed to occasionally possess super human strength when she got over excited, like a kind of 'emergency strength at the scene of a fire' type of strength. Chêne managed to grab the frame of the entrance to the hall, and held on tight. "Is it really okay for people to see us!? What if they start asking ques—"

"Oh, you worry too much, Chêne~!" Pomona said cheerfully as she struggled to pry her daughter away from the wall. "Sebastian, be a dear and answer the door, please~!" she called out brightly to the demon butler. Ciel sweat-dropped, and nodded to Sebastian to just do as she asked. Chêne's mother looked like she was having great fun toying with Chêne, like she was some kind of life-size doll.

'... Actually, that might not be a bad idea...' Ciel thought, filing it away for once they returned, and he could get back to work on fixing the lame toy designs they had presented to him earlier. Maybe if he could give Elizabeth a life-size doll, she'd stop trying to dress him up.

"Very well," Sebastian said as he opened the door.

"Chêêêêêênne—!!" a platinum blond girl, who had a streak of purple in her hair to match her purple eyes, cried dramatically as she flew into the house. This girl's outfit made the skinny jeans and t-shirt that Chêne had been wearing when they first met her look downright virtuous in comparison. Not only was she showing more skin than the prostitutes of the Victorian era, but she also had a tattoo. Was this girl some kind of criminal? She grabbed the first person she came to, and glomped them. "Oh my God! I can't believe you're finally..." The blond teenager trailed off when she realized that the person she was hugging was not soft, petite, and did not smell like jasmine... therefore, they were not Chêne. It was Sebastian. However, instead of letting go, the strange new girl tightened her grip on Sebastian as she glared up at the surprised demon. "Who the hellare you? Where's my Chêne!?" Lacey demanded darkly as she squeezed Sebastian until they started to hear his back crack. Chêne and Ciel winced at the sound, but if Sebastian was in pain, he was doing an excellent job of not showing it.

"Um... I'm over here, Lacey..." Chêne said, smiling wryly as she sweat-dropped and waved at her crazy friend.

"Chêne, my love~!" Lacey cried happily as she dropped Sebastian like a sack of rotten potatoes, and pounced on her BFF. "Aaah... My oasis is back~!" Lacey said, sighing blissfully as she glomped Chêne. Lacey's smile was so radiant, that the air around her was filled with a sparkling aura.

'Another weirdo has appeared...' Ciel thought, chagrined. Were all the people in Chêne's world insane?

"It feels like it's been forever since I last laid hands on you~!" Lacey cooed as she held Chêne. She looked like Sebastian when he was with a cat.

"I missed you too, Lacey," Chêne said, smiling wryly as she hugged her friend. "... But I think this could probably be considered rape in some parts of the world," Chêne deadpanned, sweat-dropping, as Lacey copped a feel on her boobs. When Lacey glomped Chêne, she had knocked the petite girl onto her back on the floor, and Lacey was now laying on top of Chêne in such a way that, rather than a pair of friends, they looked like two lesbian lovers about to 'do the deed.'

"Quite..." Sebastian said in agreement as he stepped forward to remove Chêne from Lacey's clutches. He was smiling his 'scary smile' again. It irked him that Chêne was actually letting this strange girl touch her so freely. "Perhaps you should release—" Lacey hissed at him like a pissed off  alley cat that thought someone was trying to steal her little mouse dinner.

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