That Butler, Gaining Admittance

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The fire raged in the room Ciel had thrown the lantern into.

"We'll meet at last! Eh, Derrick Arden!?" Ciel said confidently. He was shocked when Sebastian suddenly grabbed him, carrying him under one arm like a sack of flour. "Wah!"

"They will be here any minute now, Young Master," Sebastian said, jumping up and landing in a tree that was a short distance away from Purple House to hide in as the alarm went out.

WHAM! The front doors flew open as students of all ages came pouring out in various states of dress.

"Out with the lot of ya! Get somewhere safe!" Cheslock yelled at everyone as they fled. Everyone was panicking and some boys were screaming."No lollygaggin'!!"

"Sebastian! Locate Derrick and the others!" Ciel ordered.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian said, removing his glasses. His eyes glowed crimson as he searched the faces of everyone coming out of Purple House.

"Have they come out?" Ciel asked.

"Not yet," Sebastian replied.

'What's going on? ... Get out here already!' Ciel thought with his brow furrowed and a bead of sweat sliding down his face.

"Room captains! Do a roll call and report to the prefect!" Cheslock shouted urgently over the noise of everyone freaking out.

"Right!" the room captains said.

"..." Gregory stood a little apart, staring at the burning house. The flames reflected in his eyes.


"!!" Gregory gasped when there was an explosion inside the house and a window shattered.

"Are they still not out yet!?" Ciel asked urgently.

"No, Sir," Sebastian said.

"Kuh...! Oh, very well," Ciel said, gritting his teeth. "Sebastian, go and get Derrick and the others out of th—"

"A moment, if you would," Sebastian said, furrowing his brow. He stared at the burning Purple House. The fire had already spread to half the dorm and there were still noises of panic coming from everyone outside. "It is as I thought..."

"?" Ciel said.

"There are no longer any traces of human souls to be found within Purple House," Sebastian stated.

"What!?" Ciel exclaimed.

"At this slight distance, one such as I can sense the presence of living humans from their souls," Sebastian said. "However, all signs pointing to humans in Purple House have already vanished."

"Are you saying that every resident has already evacuated the building?" Ciel asked.

"Indeed. Lord Derrick and the four other students who were to have confined themselves in Purple House are not present," Sebastian said. "In other words..."

'Derrick wasn't in Purple House to begin with!?' Ciel thought.

"Violet!!" Herman called out as he came running with the rest of the P4, their fags, and numerous other students. "Is everyone all right!?"

"Yes," Gregory said, pulling the hood on his cloak up. "Everyone's here."

'!!' Ciel and Sebastian thought.

"This is all... turning out very strange indeed," Ciel said.

"Quite," Sebastian agreed.

"The P4 is clearly concealing something having to do with Lord Derrick and the four other students," Ciel said. "If Derrick isn't here, taking this any further is meaningless! Put out the fire!" he ordered.

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