That Butler, Freeloading 3

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The white-haired man, Agni, removed the bandage that had been covering his hand. Chêne was a little surprised when she saw that the previously bandaged hand was perfectly healthy and unscarred. She narrowed her eyes slightly, confused. Why did he have it bandaged then...?

Agni narrowed his eyes and glared sharply at them as he suddenly lunged towards Sebastian, and aimed a swift blow at the demon butler's head.


Sebastian blocked the blow, but Chêne noticed that he winced slightly when he did. Sebastian furrowed his brow and frowned slightly, wondering why his arm was tingling from this man's blow. Sebastian quickly grabbed Ciel and tucked him under his arm.

"Wh—Uwah!?" Ciel yelled, startled.

"Duck!" Sebastian warned Chêne as Agni swung his leg in large sweeping motion that would've knocked all three of them on the ground if they hadn't managed to avoid the blow at the last minute.

"Whoa!" Chêne yelled, surprised by the white-haired man's speed. It was like being attacked by another Sebastian.

"Get back, Chêne," Sebastian said firmly as Agni pivoted around to face them, and began delivering blow after blow to Sebastian.


Sebastian managed to block most of the blows with his arm, but he was obviously at a disadvantage, since he was holding Ciel, and had to shield him too.

'So swift!' Sebastian thought as Agni's fist flew past his head.

"Sebas—!" Chêne yelled, moving to help him, but she was cut off by Faker.

"Don't you dare... forget about us!!" Faker yelled at her as he thrust his knife at her. Chêne's eyes widened slightly in surprise for half a second, but then she smirked.

"The person I am today is stronger than the person I was yesterday!" Chêne said determinedly as she grabbed his wrist and head butted him. She wasn't going to hesitate. She wasn't going to ever let herself get injured to the point that she scared Ciel like on the night Madam Red stabbed her again!

"Urgh—!?" Faker cried out in pain as he stumbled back away from her, holding his face. Agni rushed forward to punch Sebastian, but the demon butler saw an opportunity, and ducked—resulting in Agni not only missing him, but Agni instead ended up punching Faker.


"Ouch...!" Chêne said, wincing. That had to hurt.

"Ah!" Agni said, surprised. Sebastian took the opportunity to run.

"Chêne!" Sebastian called to her, motioning for her to follow him.

"Forgive me, brother! I will tend to your wounds shortly!" Agni said as he ran in pursuit of them. The other thugs must've decided it was their turn to act, because they stepped in front of the two Phantomhive servants and their master, cutting off their escape route.

"Hold i—Gfff!" one of the men tried to yell as Sebastian jumped up, and stepped on his face, using him as a springboard to get over the wall of people blocking their way.

"Sorry!" Chêne said, sweat-dropping and smiling apologetically, as she followed Sebastian, and imitated his movements. Ciel sweat-dropped.


"!" Chêne said as she and Sebastian looked up to see Agni flying at them after he flipped into the air.


Agni reached out with both hands and hit both Chêne and Sebastian in the elbow when they tried to block the blow.

"!?" Chêne cried in surprise. She could feel a weird tingling sensation, just before her arm went completely numb, and it fell uselessly limp at her side. She managed to stumble back before Agni could hit her with another blow, but Sebastian stood his ground, unaffected.

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