That Butler, Retrospective 2

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Sebastian's eyes widened slightly.

"But, Ciel, Sebastian is wounded, and I—!" Chêne said anxiously, coughing from the effort of straining to speak. She was getting worse by the minute... but and order was an order, and Sebastian knew that Ciel was not in the state of mind to be easily persuaded... There was no helping it. Sebastian would just have to wrap this up quickly, post haste.

"As you wish," Sebastian said, smirking. He did have a 'debt' to repay to the Reaper after all for injuring him so. Chêne's eyes widened in shock. Not only because of how stupid the two guys (at least in her opinion, since they still wanted to fight, despite just barely getting away before) were acting, but also because of what was on the hand she had just used to cover her mouth when she coughed. Chêne had just coughed up blood.

'... Ah, hell—This really sucks!' Chêne cried internally. If this kept up, she really would die. She felt like an idiot for letting herself be stabbed like that... However, Chêne didn't regret it, because Ciel was safe thanks that.

"... Hee~! I was all ready to let you go 'cos I'm really not feeling it anymore, but..." Grell said, smirking as he shrugged. "... If you're that desperate to die, I'll do you the favor of sending the three of you... to Heaven!!" Grell yelled as he spun around and revved up his chainsaw, swinging it at Sebastian. Sebastian ducked and jumped back, smirking. After having a moment to rest, his wound had almost healed completely, and he had gotten a second wind.

"Heaven, was it? I am not fated to go there, I fear," Sebastian told Grell, smirking as he lifted a nearby wooden crate with his foot, and kicked it at Grell, like it was a giant soccer ball.


The box hurtled towards Grell.

'Oh, great, he thinks he's David Beckham now...' Chêne thought, sweat-dropping. She was starting to feel a little woozy.


Grell destroyed the crate, shredding it to pieces with his Scythe.

"Yours truly is just in the foulest of foul moods at the moment!" Grell said, grinning evilly. "So don't expect me to go easy—!?" Sebastian had suddenly disappeared.


Grell froze. Sebastian had just landed on the guide bar of his Scythe, smirking smugly at the red Reaper.

"!!" Grell said, shocked that Sebastian had managed to get so close, so fast.


Sebastian immediately aimed a kick at Grell's face, but Grell managed to dodge it at the last minute.

"Hey...! You just aimed for my face just now, didn't you!?" Grell yelled incredulously, multiple vein marks throbbing on his forehead. "For a lady, her face is her life! You fiend!!"

"Heh. Oh, you are quite right on that account," Sebastian said, smirking. "For I am... a devil of a butler."

"Hrm! Do you think a devil can win against a god, hm?" Grell sneered.

"It is difficult to say. Having never fought one, I cannot be sure, but... If Young Master tells me to win... then I shall. I must finish this task quickly, so that I can take Chêne to the hospital, as well," Sebastian said, giving Grell a brilliant shit-eating grin.

"I don't know what's happened between you and those brats, but you're awfully into them. It just riles me riiight up!" Grell said, pointing his Scythe at Ciel and Chêne.

"Everything seems to rile you up..." Chêne muttered. She was feeling really lightheaded now, and her patience was starting to run thin. There was only so much pain and blood loss a girl could take before she started getting a little cranky, you know? Sebastian smiled. If she still had the energy to talk, then she should be just fine for now.

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